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I'd have a hard time imagining someone becoming a SO whom I felt inclined or impelled to ask such a question of.


Why would you feel inclined to ask such a question, and inquire as to whether it is stupid or not?


Welcome to LS!

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Was that asked 2 months before Xmas or Xmas morning.


Exactly, we had a similar thread going on about this.




It's best to start out talking with your SO. Only he/she knows why he/she ain't gonna make it for Xmas.


In the thread I'm referring to - the woman ultimately was told by her live-in bf that he didn't wanna take her to his family to Xmas cuz then he'd have to introduce her to them (in other words, they'd be "official") and he didn't wanna do that yet. She was happy with that response. I wouldn't be. I mean, she thought that them moving in was them advancing in the RL, yet he doesn't see her worthy of introducing her to his family on Xmas...so, IMO, she isn't as "official" with him as she wishes she is.


Eh, then again, you have people who bring home just anybody they're dating to meet the family. My fav podcaster had to tell her son to stop brining anyone around until he's serious about her, cuz she was getting tired of meeting bimbos.


So, talk to him, find out what the REAL reason is behind him not wanting to spend Xmas with you.

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