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please someone help me it is very important to me


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Me and my Boyfriend where in an online relationship for 4months going on 5 before we meet like 2 weeks ago. We are actually from the same state but my parents are on a business trip so I have to stay with my uncle in MN until june7th.Anyway 2weeks ago I went back to NYC to see him when I got there I called him and we decided on a place to meet and we did meet. The first thing we both did was hug and then we walked for a while then went to a Restorant.The thing that bothered me was that he did not kiss me or even hold my hand all he did was talk to me and told me how cute i look and that he likes me. I asked him why he did not hug or kiss me and he said he is trying to find out how i am. Well then he had to go so we went down to the subway station we went to a quiet place and there we where hugging and he told me that he is going to wait for me and that he cares about me and that i am the only girl he has. Then i told him to kiss me and then he did. Then he left after i got home i called him and we said we where going to meet again on Saturday and on Sunday b/c i had to leave on Wednesday, and on Sunday he did not show up i was waiting there for 1hour.I called him and asked why he did not show up and he said that he had a lot of things to do and that he is sorry. Well after all he could not tell me that he couldn't come see me b/c i had not given him my #. Anyway then he said that we should meet on Sunday for sure so i went to the place we where supposed to meet and he was not there. Since Sunday i have been very upset i have not called him or E-mailed him to find out what happened or he has not even E-mailed me. I relay don't know what is going on i am also worried now i care about him a lot. Please someone help me and tell me what to do thanx a lot for reading this and God bless

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Two questions for you:


1. Did you two exchange recent photos while you were talking online?


2. Was this the first time you two met in person?

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yes we did exchange pictures .


yeah this was our first meeting.


I dont think this has anything to do with him not liking the way ilook it's not that

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He might have been a bit wierded out by your approach. You do not ask a person to kiss you on a first date no matter how long you have known him online. It must happen naturallyt, and without it being stated. He would have been at a stage where he was trying to put a face to the words and may have found that a bit upfront.


He may be just a little unsure about how to take the real you..ie. facial expressions, body language etc.


That's about all I could see from your message.



yes we did exchange pictures . yeah this was our first meeting. I dont think this has anything to do with him not liking the way ilook it's not that
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I used to be in a long distance relationship and online relationship too. I do not think that calling the person you have online relationship with a boyfriend would be appropriate. You haven't even see him. Almost 100% of a time it's different in real life than online. You do not expect him to kiss you right away, it's the same as kissing a stranger on the street. Do not get upset over the fact that he is not responding to you. You know, chemistry and physical attraction are important for all of us. The fact that he said that you were cute and so on could mean that you are cute but just not for him. Can you tell someone you've met for the first time after 4 months of talking: "I am not attracted to you though you are cute". Some people just cannot do it. Let it some time, see if he gets back to you, do not push. It's probably better to start looking for someone else. Remember, you cannot force someone to like you. Do not waist your time on waiting.

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