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boyfriend has been caught...


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Ok I found out that my boyfriend has several recent photos of a ex girlfriend(well,they were friends who fooled around)


these are pretty sexual photos too.And they have been chatting too,he says it is nothing to worry about...but is he telling me the truth and is he planning something with her if something hasn't already happened? If he says she does'nt mean anything to him,then why does he have them?

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I guess by pretty sexual photo you mean more than just a face shot...like with a little leg and breast in there as well. I guess it doesn't make a tremendous amount of difference. I don't think its very respectful for your boyfriend to have sexy photos of a girl he knows in his poasession. The chatting is probably not a good idea in combination.


You can't just oughtright tell him to break contact with her. However, if you feel uncomfortable about this contact he's been having and you simply can't handle it, let him know. Tell him you just don't like it, that it's disrespectful to you and that he has to choose between his old friend and her sexy photos or you. Let him know one of the three has got to go. His choice.


I don't think he'd care to hold on to those photos if they didn't mean anything to him. He may just chat with her now and then as friends. See what he wants to give up.

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We got in an arguement over her once before,he said he didn't want anything to do with her anymore.He only "said" this,it doesn't mean he was being truthful.These are very sexy pics,i.e...topless etc. And it bothers me because his old friend,or what ever she is,IS pretty and has a better bod than I do.Honestly,she does,I will admit that,that's why it makes me a little anxious. And come to find out,he asked her for the pics too,she didn't just out right offer them to him.He wanted them. And now he has her on his Yahoo Instant Messenger,he swears she has always been on there all along,but I know she hasn't,this has all been recent,with in the last couple of weeks. I get into his messenger because I want to see what he has been up too,I know that's wrong,but I can't help it,I found a messenge from him to her saying be careful when you message,my girl friend uses this computer a lot too. So what's going on? Is he finding himself attracted to her again,and is afraid to tell me or something? Am I about to be cheated on?

I guess by pretty sexual photo you mean more than just a face shot...like with a little leg and breast in there as well. I guess it doesn't make a tremendous amount of difference. I don't think its very respectful for your boyfriend to have sexy photos of a girl he knows in his poasession. The chatting is probably not a good idea in combination.


You can't just oughtright tell him to break contact with her. However, if you feel uncomfortable about this contact he's been having and you simply can't handle it, let him know. Tell him you just don't like it, that it's disrespectful to you and that he has to choose between his old friend and her sexy photos or you. Let him know one of the three has got to go. His choice. I don't think he'd care to hold on to those photos if they didn't mean anything to him. He may just chat with her now and then as friends. See what he wants to give up.

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YOU ASK: "So what's going on? Is he finding himself attracted to her again,and is afraid to tell me or something? Am I about to be cheated on?"


It doesn't look good. I've already advised you...tell him he's got a choice. If he wants to be with you, he'll give up the pictures and stop talking to her.


I don't think you need to be around him while he gets something else going. You will see what his intentions are real fast when you give him a choice. What he is doing is just not good.


If he really asked her for those pictures, I think I would probably dump him. This does not look good at all.


Over and out!

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if he has pics of her in any sexual way than you should just ask him to throw them away...Cuase if he really likes you and not his ex then he'll have no problem doing that!

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