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do ex's ever think of you?


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Hi...not sure if this is the proper forum to post this question, but here it goes. Me and the ex broke up the beginning of September 04. It was a pretty hard break up on both ends. She was the love of my life. I admit wholeheartedly that I am probably difficult to date, but I gave it my best shot. Anyhow, we have not had contact since Feb 05. After a huge fight!!! I have dated quite a few women, but I always think of her and compare each of them to her. I was wondering if that is natural. Also, I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences in the area of whether or not ex's think of their former mates. I am just confused and miss her awfully. thanx in advance.

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I still have Ex's that cross my mind from time to time.. however in my case I don't think of them in the way of missing them, or wishing things had turned out different.. I think of them and think "Damn WTF was I thinking about with that Guy?" :confused:


I think any time someone has been in your life that had been important to you at one time or another it's normal to think of them from time to time.. however I also think it's not unusual to look at a relationship with an EX in a rose coloured glasses sort of way either.. sometimes making them (in your mind) much better than they actually were.


When I think about an EX while I may recall times that were pretty good, I also keep in mind why we are no longer together...

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I also have some exes that cross my mind from time to time. Some cross more than others and some reasons are good and bad.

I think its normal, theses people were part of you life, one way or another.

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what's even more painful, is that you've gotten over this person and pretty much forgotten about them - and BAM! they show up in one of your dreams at night, and you wake up feeling angry again. I hate my sleeping mind, when it's left to it's own devices. :mad:

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I certainly do think about my exes. Some in good ways and some in bad ways. Like Merin said, it's about reminding yourself of why you all aren't together anymore.


But the really old relationships definitely look a lot rosier now...

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Yes people always think of people who were a big part of thier lives at one point in time. I often think of them as happy memories and some times bad, but most of the time it's more of a what might have happened if this or that hadn't happened. And i personally think that is normal and ok.


So to answer your question-- YES

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