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ok heres my problem:


i have 2 boyfriends(please dont think to yourself ima bad person cuz i already know i am) the problem is im in love with both of them but have this problem one is asking me to go live with them and the other is asking me to live with them.... see i donno what to do cuz they wernt really my bfs but we know there feelings so we were kinda seeing eachother not saclusive and they both asked me in the same day and now i gotta choose but im scared about if what if one is the right one and i pick the othere or visa versa....im honest to both of them how i feel about the other person and they both hate eachother natually....my best friend is telling me i should pik the one i think id be better with but my family wants me to be with the one thats training to be a paramedic cuz hes looking bright and hes smart and charming and has a job...but the other one is artisitc and is still in college and im scared that i might make the wrong choice and i cant live with myself knowing i cant choose..i mean im stalling and being to afraid to commit to either of them cuz im afraid to hurt them. i hate hurting people and it would kill me to hurt either of them cuz they both mean so much to me, i couldnt be the one that hurts them.....any ideas?

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Live with both of them. Either have them both move into an apartment with you. Or split your time equally between both guys. You'll never be bored.


You can also have them duel for you like in the old days. They get back to back with guns and walk 50 paces and turn around and shoot real fast. The one who lives gets to live with you...unless you prefer a dead guy cause sometimes they are easier to get along with.


You could have them draw straws...or pick pieces of paper from a hat...flip a coin...or, the best idea is to have an essay contest...yeah...an essay contest. Have both of them write in 300 words of less why they would like to live with you. Pick three of your friends to judge the essays...score them so to speak. Then you be the final judge.


This is a great opportunity for you to have some real fun. I haven't heard of a duel in America in a long time. How romantic to have two guys wanting to kill for you. You could even make money selling televison rights to Extra, Inside Edition, or one of those kinds of tabloid TV shows.


Wow, this is terrific. Have fun and good luck.

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Girl! Are you crazy?


You are in control here. Don't move in with either one of them.


You didn't say where you are living now, but, if you aren't living on your own, then get a place of your own. That way you can entertain both of them (not at the same time, of course).


Can't afford a place of your own? Get a good job, a good education or both, then get a place of your own. You really don't need to set yourself up to be dependent on either one of them right now. I mean, what if you did pick the wrong guy? You'll have to live somewhere and you will not want to move back to Momma and Daddy's.


You don't have to choose between the two of them. Just keep them both going til one drops out. Then you'll know who is the right one. Whoever hangs on the longest is the winner and a keeper, because he obviously thinks you're worth it and will likely put up with anything else you dish out.


This could backfire on you. You could end up loosing them both. That really won't matter much, if you get your education and/or employment taken care of first. There are thousands of desirable men who are looking for well educated, gainfully employed, independent, confident, single women.


Now, go get a slice of the pie!

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