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is he wanting to change teams for a bit?

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I'm female, one of my best friends is a gay male. We are extremely close- inseperable.


I was talking to him on the phone the other night and my cat Samba was sitting on my lap. I started calling the cat all these baby names like baby, darling,sweety, honey etc. Matt my friend was saying look i can't listen to this because your cats just a vicious little bitch (thats another story) anyway he goes "No I'm just jealous.......of Samba".


Awkward long silence follows.


What does he want- me to call him baby names? Is he trying to mess with my head? Is he wanting to change teams? It makes me angry. He's always sending me mixed messages. Please help!!

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Originally posted by mishy

What does he want- me to call him baby names? Is he trying to mess with my head? Is he wanting to change teams? It makes me angry. He's always sending me mixed messages. Please help!!


Try if you can to take these things lightly - in your shoes I'd tease him back a little.


But if it makes you angry, ask him (nicely) to stop.


And definitely don't let it go further - a gay man experimenting with straight would be an incredibly bad bet for a relationship.

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Originally posted by mishy

its just confusing


No kidding!

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I would definitely say he was kidding. I know from experience. I have had a few gay friends, and we would always tease each other like that. It was all very innocent. If he was really interested in you I think he would show it in other ways. It's nothing to get upset about just take it lightly next time and tease him back (if you have that sense of humor).

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is he wanting to change teams for a bit?


No that's not it...some gay guys joke around with their female friends like this.


It means nothing.

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MIXED MESSAGES!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? HE IS GAY FOR CHRIST SAKE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


He probably is just jelouse of all the pampering you are giving your cat. Who dosnt like to be pampered and waited on hand and foot.

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