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How can you get over someone


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I just got dump by my boyfriend and i'm still in shock. i mean there is so much going on in my head right now that i do'nt know what to do. i need help and i wondering if anyone know what i can do. thanks

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i think time always heals a broken heart....... maybe you should surround yourself with the happiest friends you have and try to have as much fun as possible....... don't get drunk though

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Try not to take it to personally. Remember that you are not a bad person, or un-loveable.


Lock yourself in a room and cry your eyes out. Get angry. Do whatever it takes to release your hurt.


You need to grieve, then let it go.


Surround yourself with friends who care.


And do NOT jump right into another relationship until you can come to terms with what was not working in the relationship on both sides.


Good luck

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There are some pretty basic principles on how to get over someone, some of which the others have already mentioned.Here they are:


1) Don't take it too personally. Break ups happen, but that's no reason to start blaming yourself or to equate the failure of a relationship with your own failure. It's not your fault. There's nothing wrong with you. Remember that.


2) Remember the not so great parts of you Ex's personality. Remember all the ignorant things they've said, all the embarrassing things they've done, all the times they acted like genuine bonafide jerks. Nobody is perfect, but it's easy to idealize an ex because they're gone. Don't make that mistake. Your ex was NOT perfect, so you can be grateful that you won't have to deal with some of those things anyhmore.


3) Nobody is irreplaceable, though some people are harder to replace than others. You've found one boyfriend.You can find another. Don't make the mistake of thinking that nobody will be attracted to you in the same way again, because that's simply not true. Once you've learned how to ride a bike, you'll always remember how to for the rest of your life. It's the same thing with relationships, once you've learned how to connect with someone romantically, you can do it again. Simple. This isn't an end, it's a new beginning.


4)It's ok to be sad, just don't make it a full time occupation. You've got a life to lead, and bitterness/regret/depression won't do you any favors down the road. Take a few minutes to be sad in the day, then after that NO MORE ! Fifteen minutes of "feeling down" time is more than enough.The best revenge for being dumped is a happy outlook on life.


5) Avoid anything that reminds you of your ex for the next little while. Don't even think about him. Say the magic words :


"He doesn't exist."


Believe me , tell yourself that over and over , and you'll forget him sooner than you think. Don't start looking over old photos or playing old love songs. Geez. Doing that sort of thing will make things a lot worse that it has to be. It's a LOT easier to move on once you've made the decision never to expect to get back together again, ever. It's over.He doesn't exist.


6) Too many people make too much of their romantic relationships. They put so much of their self-worth unto the success of a relationship. That's not right. You've got other things in life to think about too.


7) Do something nice for someone. I mean, somone who is really hurting. Nothing makes you forget about your pain like helping someone else cope with theirs.It puts life in proper perspective. There's always someone in worse shape than you.


8) Smile.

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good advice


but this part is HARD


5) Avoid anything that reminds you of your ex for the next little while. Don't even think about him. Say the magic words :


"He doesn't exist."


wth do u do with all the gifts he ever gave? ... what do u do when u bump into him? ... when u find his stuff everywhere... it's not so easy as u say ...

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gifts he gave you...put them in a box, and put them in the attic, or some similar place. 10 years from now, you'll stumble upon them, and throw them out.


seeing him around...say hello, smile, keep going.


Finding his sh*t all around...put them in the box, after a while, there won't be any more things to put in the box.


Simple solutions. \

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heh ... as it stands right now ... my room would become pretty empty if i put away all the toys my bf gave me =)


and my disk space would free up by half if i delete everything related to him ... dunna about others ...


Maybe it is a big mistake to let someone invade yr life so much ... but when u'r in love, u just can't help it, can u?


- JustAGirl

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what I did with everything he gave me (he used to give me plush toys all the time). I've got them all in a big plastic bag and put it in a closet. :-) Next step is trash, I cannot do it just yet...but not seeing them helps BIG TIME...you have to trust me on that one

good advice but this part is HARD 5) Avoid anything that reminds you of your ex for the next little while. Don't even think about him. Say the magic words : "He doesn't exist." wth do u do with all the gifts he ever gave? ... what do u do when u bump into him? ... when u find his stuff everywhere... it's not so easy as u say ...
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