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Where do women get hit on?

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I wish I got hit on as much in real life as I do in my video chat room. I know most of the guys (okay, ALL of the guys) just want sex or to see nakedness on cam. But I do get some genuine interest when I have genuine conversation.


Just last weekend I had four guys say "I wish we lived closer" and four guys say "I'd be there in a heartbeat" and I'd say at least once or twice each time I'm online I get complimented on my smile, or my mischievous smirk. My cam isn't that clear, I don't know how they tell. Cuz I do have one helluva mischievous smirk!


So why not in real life? I just updated my profile to say that I'm simply giving up and going to live the single life in REAL life. or something like that.....yeah, until the next guy comes along, BUT it will have to be in real life. Too many creepies online! ick!


I go to the gym, but I'm lucky if there's one or two other people there. I don't go to bars because that's just not what pushing-40yr old mom's do! Actually I don't want to go out "looking" but also don't want to be alone for the next ten years either.


I'm not complaining, I do have a social life, I am just impatient.

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Originally posted by Nomad

come on girls, there must be SOME good-looking ladies on here...I'm looking to hear your experiences.



What??? SO you mean to tell me that theones that answered are fugly? :rolleyes::mad:

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good looking women get hit on everywhere, their more plain-looking sisters don't get hit on anywhere :(

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I got hit on when my car broke down one day.

Another time was in the grocery store (what a surprise).

The bar. Everybody gets hit on in bars, unless you have a third eye or something!

A good friend's wedding because I was a bridesmaid.

Taking pictures at a housefire and one of the firefighters hit on me. He was hot too!


What's the worst place to be hit on?


I'd say definately at a funeral or a wake.

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Everybody gets hit on in bars, unless you have a third eye or something! >>>>>>>>>>>>


Thats barely detectable anyway if you have your "beer googles" on! :eek: Anyway, if women didn't like it, then they wouldn't "dress the part" By the way, i don't ever recall approaching strangers on the street, and start hitting on them. The thought of amost sure rejection approaching them like that scares the crap out of me. I also, haven't struck up a conversation in the apple sauce, and jelly isle of the supermarket.. What the heck would the "opening line" be on that approach anyway? "Maam, Do you find, that "Welch's spreads better on the bread, or is Libby's the way to go?" Too weird. :)

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A Fly onThe Wall
Originally posted by cubbbb

"Welch's spreads better on the bread, or is Libby's the way to go?"


It would be my luck her name would be Libby Welch :laugh:

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The answer to the OP is "everywhere." Maybe better questions for the ladies are:


Where, if anywhere, do you specifically go with the intent or objetive of being hit upon? Alternatively, where are the specific places you find yourselves the most receptive to the advances of men with whom you aren't previously acquainted?


Please don't answer by saying that the specifics don't matter, so long as the guy is cute/polite/funny. There is likely some truth to that answer, but it is totally beside the point of the inquiries.

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Originally posted by Nomad

come on girls, there must be SOME good-looking ladies on here...I'm looking to hear your experiences.

You GOT our responses...the rest is up to you, dude.

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ok ok relax everybody. i'm sure you girls are all good-looking, I was just trying to stir you up ;) I just feel like I have no game, nothing going for me when I hit on girls. I know you'll say you have to "get confidence" but that's hard to do when you get rejected all the time (even on internet).

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A Fly onThe Wall


A million years ago I had no game either.. But I changed my wardrobe entirely.


Really brought my dress up about 3 notches.. It changed my whole personality and was able to speak with women with a lot of confidence because I felt great about myself ..


Boy those were the days... a lot of sex

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Originally posted by Nomad

ok ok relax everybody. i'm sure you girls are all good-looking, I was just trying to stir you up ;) I just feel like I have no game, nothing going for me when I hit on girls. I know you'll say you have to "get confidence" but that's hard to do when you get rejected all the time (even on internet).


Your hitting on the wrong girls. You don't need game to talk to women. Most will smell a line a mile away. As for getting rejected, all men get rejected. Even the players get rejected. The difference is they don't take it personally and quit. The odds are in your favor if you talk to many women. There is bound to be one that thinks your special...

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yea, Marshbear, I had the same thought myself: it's a numbers game. It's just that some guys have it a lot easier. I'm short (only about 5'5") & I don't think I'm good-looking, so I don't have much to work with.

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Originally posted by Nomad

yea, Marshbear, I had the same thought myself: it's a numbers game. It's just that some guys have it a lot easier. I'm short (only about 5'5") & I don't think I'm good-looking, so I don't have much to work with.


There are short women out there so make a play on them. Some women are not as concerned about height as the quality of the conversation so bone up on your conversation skills and give a hearty smile. If they are so shallow as to reject you before they get to know you then you don't want them anyway.


You don't have to be a GQ model to attract women. You do need some good threads, a big smile, a couple of ice-breakers and your on your way.


This is a joke I have used when I really like a gal and she really seems to be into me. Did you know there are 267 bones in the human body?

Care to make it 268? :laugh:

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hahahahaha, yea MB,I'm sure THAT can't miss. :p can't wait to try that out.


anyway, yea, a lot of girls are short, but they're still looking for taller guys. shortness (especially short as i am ) just isn't attractive, you know it's like an "alpha male" thing: taller guys look more dominant & thus more desirable. it's all evolution, man...

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Originally posted by Nomad

yea, Marshbear, I had the same thought myself: it's a numbers game. It's just that some guys have it a lot easier. I'm short (only about 5'5") & I don't think I'm good-looking, so I don't have much to work with.


Confidence is a huge factor. I do agree with you, some just have it easy, just like some women do too.


Be happy with who you are, but if you are not happy with yourself and feel insecure, women are going to pick up on that right away - SO work on your confidence level.


Why don't you think you're that good looking? If you feel GOOD about you, so will others.


This is a joke I have used when I really like a gal and she really seems to be into me. Did you know there are 267 bones in the human body?

Care to make it 268?


No!!! You didn't!! :lmao:

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there's someone for everyone. just stay in your league. so you're probably not going to get supermodels but there are lots of women out there who are 5 feet tall who feel the same way you do.


i'll tell ya, i dated an aspiring model (/social worker) who was 6'6. i'm 5'3. it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. i'd take a 5'8 guy who isn't so attractive but is a loving, caring and kind person any day over an incredibly good looking tall guy with emotional problems....and just in case you're wondering, yes, this is mr.ED............so there are worse things than being short!!!

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No!!! You didn't!!


That's for me to know and you to guess....


I'll just say it has worked with the right girl... :p

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A Fly onThe Wall
Originally posted by Marshbear

I'll just say it has worked with the right girl...


We all have a line or two that we pull out to use on that certain woman..


I have one that talks about the number of uses for an ice cube.. It's a little more interactive than the 268 bone line..but it has worked on numerous occasions

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I think that some women take kindness and conversation the wrong way sometimes too. A friend of mine when we were younger seemed to think that every guy who spoke to her wanted to marry her.


So if a guy strikes up a conversation in the grocery aisle, is he hitting on you? If the subject is the food then I would say not. If he starts asking questions that are none of his business or is actually flirting by making comments about your appearance, then I would consider that hitting on you.

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Actually that's how men start the 'hitting on you' process - innocently asking if the ranch salad dressing with peppercorns is is tasty, or if roma tomatoes are best for sandwiches (I've heard it all!)...THEN after alot of smiles and friendly chit-chat, they may ask a personal question or two...it's all very subtle but obvious at the same time.

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Originally posted by Nomad

yea, Marshbear, I had the same thought myself: it's a numbers game. It's just that some guys have it a lot easier. I'm short (only about 5'5") & I don't think I'm good-looking, so I don't have much to work with.


You'd be surprised, sugar. I'm 5' tall, and I've dated guys who were 6'7 (ack!) and guys who were 5'6. My current BF is 5'7. I refuse to date tall men now, the physics of sex don't work out well (I don't like being humped by a huge bear of a guy, with my face all itchy from his chest hair... :sick: )....I honestly find shorter guys more attractive. Plus, if a shorter guy si very confident in himself it just seems to stand out more to me. My exH was very insecure when I first met him, then we started dating and I was a huge ego boost for him. He used to parade me around to various parties and social functions as his little tiny half asian prize.


Anyways. I love short guys. I'm just sayin'.... :o

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Originally posted by Rosalind

Actually that's how men start the 'hitting on you' process - innocently asking if the ranch salad dressing with peppercorns is is tasty, or if roma tomatoes are best for sandwiches (I've heard it all!)...THEN after alot of smiles and friendly chit-chat, they may ask a personal question or two...it's all very subtle but obvious at the same time.

right ROSALIND....and women don't do this all the time also?? WTF!

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Originally posted by alphamale

right ROSALIND....and women don't do this all the time also?? WTF!


And like I'm supposed to know that...how???

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Originally posted by Rosalind

And like I'm supposed to know that...how???

I guess I just thought it was common knowledge that people 'hit on' other people (regardless of sex) by makeing small talk and chatting them up. Does not that make sense??

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