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Where do women get hit on?

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I get hit on anywhere or time I'm having fun and being myself. Often in sports situations or ballroom dancing. When I have something to focus on and feel good.


One weekend a few years ago I took my little sister out shoe shopping (20+year age diff and she looks just like me) and we chatted with another little girl and her dad ... well when we got home, sis handed our mom a slip of paper with a phone number on it and said that a man at the store had told her to give it to her mommy. I should have been keeping a better eye on that kid, I didn't see him give her the paper.

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Originally posted by MWC_LifeBeginsAt40

Maybe my muscular arms are too intimidating to the guys

I generally don't date women who can beat the krap outta me...:laugh:

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A Fly onThe Wall
Originally posted by alphamale

I generally don't date women who can beat the krap outta me...:laugh:







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I would be very self conscious going braless! lol



Oh, go for it. Are you going to save it until the boobs are sitting on the navel? Men love a braless pair of boobs. I am dating a 38 year old now and she is the sexest women I have been with, to date.


If your arms are really big you might make guys nervous. I saw a body building gal at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. She was really cute and she gave me the eye but I didn't hit on her ( I already have a g/f ) because her size was not really feminine, to me. You can be to big and turn guys off.


I nice toned body is sexy on a women. If you get to big you look masculine.

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Originally posted by Marshbear

I nice toned body is sexy on a women. If you get to big you look masculine.

Precisely M.B. and that is also why women don't like really skinny dudes with feminine type bodies and a 2 to 3 waist to hip ratio :laugh:

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I work out, but I am not a bodybuilder type. I play a sport that requires shoulder/back/arm strength. The trainer at the gym said I have very well toned arms. But I'm not anywheres near s muscular as she is.


I dunno, I try to carry myself with confidence but not act like I'm too good for the world. I need to be patient. I lived at home til I was 26 and got married. This is the first time I've really been alone....it sucks. My kids are away on vacation with their dad, so I've been feelin extra lonely and just trying to get out and try to enjoy my alone time.


I'm going to start a new thread and update you all on Mr. Doesn't-Know-How-To-Use-The-Phone.

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Originally posted by JS17

really skinny dudes are ok but if his rack is bigger than mine then we have a problem


Nah, I don't like really skinny dudes. I hate it when a guy is laying on top of you and his hip bones are digging into your thighs or abdomen. Ouch. I like my guys to be relatively stocky. It's all about personal preference. I can honestly say if they have titties bigger than mine than it is a problem also. Happy medium.

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Originally posted by blind_otter


I prefer the term "fun bags" myself. :)

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soo you wanted to get hit on at WAL-MART???????? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Why not? In case you haven't noticed that most men don't like shopping that much, and where else they can get a ball of Yarn, a bicycle, underwear, and a gallon of milk all in one place, and be on your way home in 30 minutes? You don't have to be a vagrant living under a bridge to shop at walmart. I go there all the time, and do pretty decent for myself :)

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Originally posted by cubbbb

soo you wanted to get hit on at WAL-MART???????? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Why not? In case you haven't noticed that most men don't like shopping that much, and where else they can get a ball of Yarn, a bicycle, underwear, and a gallon of milk all in one place, and be on your way home in 30 minutes? You don't have to be a vagrant living under a bridge to shop at walmart. I go there all the time, and do pretty decent for myself :)



i guess it depends on where you live.... But even soo, you walk around Wal-Mart braless, you will blend right in! :D

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A Fly onThe Wall

There is this walmart about 60 miles from where I live that I pass every weekend on the way up to a cabin I have in Blueridge, Ga.. The walmart is in Ellijay a little ole country bumpkin city.


Every time I go in there I get hit on by women.. To the point I don't go in there on friday night or saturday night..


They almost alway's have 2 or 3 kids in tow..


I learned that walmart is the crusing place for all the country bumpkins... It's a meat market and the only place to pick up chicks in Ellijay



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Didn't some Walmart in Virginia just cancel their Friday night singles shopping? LOL


I went to Walmart to buy something specific, not to get hit on. That's what Home Depot, Chapters, and the outdoor patio sippin marguaritas were for. It was just one of my stops, so I thought I would mention it.


This weekend is a long wknd up here and I better start making plans for ME. I think I will buy a smut novel and hit the beach ALONE. And this isn't another experiment to get hit on. It will be relaxation time for ME and I won't have to keep an eye on any children for a change.

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Originally posted by A Fly onThe Wall

I learned that walmart is the crusing place for all the country bumpkins... It's a meat market and the only place to pick up chicks in Ellijay

What about old man Wilkin's hen house? Should be puh-lenty of "chicks" there :laugh:

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