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Does age difference has anything to do with it?

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This ia a second time I am posting my message. I have a boyfriend who is 25 and is 8 years younger then me. Before meeting with me he used to date girls his own age or much younger. When we've first started out relationship we kind of agreed that it would be just for fun, he is not mature enough to make any commitment. We've been dating for almost a year now. A little over a month ago I've got this gut feeling that he has someone else because he doesn't spend weekends with me anymore and when I ask him why he gets angry and aggrevated and says that he has to work during the weekend. I also asked him if he has someone but he denied to even talk about it. during the week he comes to my house every other night. I've tried to talk to him again but he refuses to and says that he feels that I do not trust him. I'd love to do so but I know he's changed. It drives me crazy to understand why he is still coming to my house, I always tell him that he is free to have fun with someone else but I am not going to be involved with him anymore if he does so. Please, HELP!!!!

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If he hasn't had much fun with girls of his own age before getting involved with u, i think it is quite likely that he wants u as a permanent committment + some others to simply have fun and "get around" with ...


Just my humble opinion =)


If i were you, i'd start dating around too ... he obviously doesn't fully satisfy yr needs.


Besides, what kind of "for fun" relationship lasts a YEAR? cmon...


Just some thoughts for u =) ... Good luck

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It's not necessarily age as much as maturity level. He could be the same way if he was older than you.


Men and women emotionally mature at different rates. Some men AND women never emotionally mature at ALL.


He's behaving like a child and throwing up a smokescreen by getting angry when you ask him questions about your relationship. If he won't spend time with you on weekends, you can believe he's spending his weekends with another woman.


"I always tell him that he is free to have fun with someone else but I am not going to be involved with him anymore if he does so."


He wants to have his cake and eat it, too. You can cut your losses and dump him now.

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