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is it too early?

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I have a friend who realllllllllllly likes this girl, but he's not sure if he should tell her now. He says he thinks she is the one that will make him a better person. He was even saying she's the kind of girl he would want to marry. He has known her for a month now and he can't sleep at night because she's always on his mind. He isn't sure if she's into him and feels the same way he's feeling abuot her. Right now, I know that she's bothered by something in her life..she's still dealing with her ex-boyfriend who is so possessive. He thinks she doesn't like him because of his past. My question, do you think it's too early if he tells her how he feels about her?

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I have a feeling you might be very close to this "friend"of yours...like as close as your own breath.lol


One can NOT NOT NOT NOT tell if someone might be the type of person they would want to marry without getting to know them REAL well. Yes, we can fantasize, but we absolutely cannot know.


Insofar as her making him a better person, sounds too co-dependent for me. He should work on making "himself" better before he adds the component of a relationship to his life.


And I'm glad to see what a good friend you are. Nobody's as good a friend to me as I am to myself. Absolutely nobody. But ya know what? That's the way this ought to be.


We don't allow people to change us. We experience the lessons, ideas they might present, values they posess, and then DECIDE that maybe some of these things can be useful or appropriate in our own lives. Life starts with the self, and I see a problem with your "friend"'s outlook on this whole thing.


Now, having said that (and that's a BIG point), who gives a crap if he knows if she likes him. I don't know how old you are, but ask her to do some age-appropriate thing to get to know her better, on a purely platonic (friendly) basis. If she rejects you on this one, it's her loss. She didn't "shoot you down," she just missed out. From that initial encounter, you can gauge how much she may dig you.


But for the love of God, stop building all these wild expectations!!!!!!!You're just setting yourself up for failure, and dissapointment.



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you only live once, tell her!

I have a friend who realllllllllllly likes this girl, but he's not sure if he should tell her now. He says he thinks she is the one that will make him a better person. He was even saying she's the kind of girl he would want to marry. He has known her for a month now and he can't sleep at night because she's always on his mind. He isn't sure if she's into him and feels the same way he's feeling abuot her. Right now, I know that she's bothered by something in her life..she's still dealing with her ex-boyfriend who is so possessive. He thinks she doesn't like him because of his past. My question, do you think it's too early if he tells her how he feels about her?
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