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you think you have problems?


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I am 48 and married for the 3rd time. He is 40. My kids are grown and I have several grandchildren. My husband has a 9 yr. who "had" to come live with us because his mother was put in jail. That was 3 years ago. I have no patience anymore for little kids so we do nothing but fight.


I have gotten very close to a man at work and have been seeing him for about a year. He is so wonderful and says the most beautiful things that could make you melt.


Problem: He's 33 and black. I trip on the age difference more than he does. He doesn't care but I see myself getting older everyday and can't help thinking if some young girl comes along he might kick me to the curb. I'm a very young looking 48 but still. He wants me to leave my husband so we can be together. I'm so scared. Though I love him to death I would probably have to give up my family too because he's black. I'm just going crazy. Do I follow my heart, my head, or what?


Sweet Pea

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You don't have a very good marriage history. Marriage is difficult enough without going into it with both hands tied behind your back. Given your history, you may just not be cut out for marriage. Maybe you should just have serial relationships.


I suggest you try doing everything you can to repair what you have now. Otherwise, get a divorce and get your act together. This man you have been seeing will present major problems that you have never dreamed of. His age and his race will create major social problems with you as time goes on. Get a divorce and enjoy your time together and be ready to part when things go sour.


But follow your heart. You'll keep making mistakes until you get it right.

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