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People who talk with their mouths full!

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Don't you just hate it when people talk with their mouths full?? It makes me so mad. (My mom was just doing it and I couldn't say anything to her!)


Why do people do it?

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It is rude but some people just can't wait to open their mouths. What's much worse is when people spit their food in your face while they're talking. It's pretty gross.


I also hate people who sneeze or cough and don't cover their nose and mouth. Of course, it's awful when people pass gas in close quarters. Those who haven't had a shower in a while and haven't used deodarent are somewhat offensive.


People who don't wash their hair very often disgust me. And I really hate it when somebody with bad breath gets in my face to tell me something...eeewwwwww!!!!


So, yes, people who talk with their mouths full are gross...but so are other people who do and don't do lots of other things. I don't know which is the worst.

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Good relationship question!! *G*


I'm not sure why people talk with their mouthes full. Maybe it's just one of life's little mysteries....like people who curse out and spew hatred and immaturity towards those they ask for advice and opinions from. Things that make ya go hmmmmm, huh? *smile*


Mademoiselle Laurynn :-)

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