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I wish i were dead

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dated this girl for a few months last year , she broke up with me and then asked me back to only break up with me again 2 weeks later.


After a month of NC I called her and we talked for 2 hours and she asked me out to a movie. We hung out for a couple of weeks ,but one day she told me she was only interesxted in being a friend. So, I lost control and I poured all my feelings of love out to her and asked if she still wanted to hang out with me knowing I have such strong feelings for her. Two days later she was holding my hand,leaning her head on my shoulder and hugging me. Untill a few days later when i started to show interest back she ran away.


Four months of NC and we are hanging out as friends again. She talked about doing things together with me again. We went on a camping trip with two of her male friends and me. Around the campfire she sat right up against me(touching) and put her blanket around both of our legs together and huddled against me for warmth. Over the next few weeks I asked her out a couple of times ,but she avoids me for 4 months of hot/cold behaviour.Untill I call her one day ,she tells me she doesnt want to talk to me anymore.


I ignore her for 4 months,we would see each other in the University pool and on bike ridews but would not talk to each other.


Four months later we meet on a bike trip, we start talking and end up riding together for 7 hours. At the end of the day she said"it was nice to talk to you and I am glad the silince is over" So , I think we are friend s again. I see her the next few weeks on our local bike club ride and try to talk to her and ride next to her, but she avoids me. I get really frustrated ignore her and she would come up and talk to me.


I started swimming again after a 2 month absence because of a shoulder injury, I would see her in the pool but she would ignore me.


Now the stupid stuff , I followed her one day because she was not talking to me ,but talking to another guy.i feel so ashamed for this. She found out and told a friend to call me and tell me she does not want any contact with me anymore. She also .thought I was following her into the pool also , but I wasnt .


I cant sleep ,I cant eat. I feel like i have ruined e great friendship by inability to move on , but I also feel slightly lead on by her.


I need some honest opinions please. Tell it to me straight.

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It's natural you feel like you're in a pit now. But the only way to get out of this pit is to stop contacting her AND following her! Believe me, this feeling WILL pass, but only if you're resilient enough and enforce some discipline on yourself. Please do not get me wrong, I'm not trying to be hard on you, but you need to recognize that your number one priority now is yourself, and how you can free yourself of this obsession of her.


I'm sorry to say this but, despite all that you've described, I think she only wants to be a friend. Women who wants more doesn't act in the manner that you've described. Was she leading you on? Yes. Maybe. A little. But you let her.

Now, don't do this to yourself anymore. Stop thinking about her and move on.


And oh, tell yourself this.... she passes you by, it's her loss. Good luck :)

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It's natural you feel like you're in a pit now. But the only way to get out of this pit is to stop contacting her AND following her! Believe me, this feeling WILL pass, but only if you're resilient enough and enforce some discipline on yourself. Please do not get me wrong, I'm not trying to be hard on you, but you need to recognize that your number one priority now is yourself, and how you can free yourself of this obsession of her.


exactly! please stop torturing yourself! why do you continue giving her so much "power" over you and your well-being. no more wasting energy on this chic...sorry to be so blunt, but she's not worth it -- noone is worth putting yourself to second. it's time to start taking care of yourself...and the rest is up to them to realize your worth!


best of luck!

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HOLD UP!!! She's the one giving you the mixed signals and now this becomes your fault, please. Friends don't act like they care and then turn the other cheek. Friends are friends. They don't ignore and run away. Please that girl is starving for attention and his using you to make all the other dude's jealous. Let that chick GO!! She's bad for your mental health.

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Originally posted by immizunderstood

HOLD UP!!! She's the one giving you the mixed signals and now this becomes your fault, please. Friends don't act like they care and then turn the other cheek. Friends are friends. They don't ignore and run away. Please that girl is starving for attention and his using you to make all the other dude's jealous. Let that chick GO!! She's bad for your mental health.


What he said! Done & Done with her all rdy mang... Ur better then that!


Now go find another sexy Pool bike rider woman! :)

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