AutumnMoon Posted March 31, 2017 Share Posted March 31, 2017 Yes I am probably one of the most hated other women on this forum, I don't judge anybody knowing I have no place to throw stones . But sometimes I can't even get through your posts. You just seem very stuck in high school mentality. Seems to be like a competition for you, who will win the man.. who is the prettiest. I think you just need to find somebody new. 6 Link to post Share on other sites
anika99 Posted March 31, 2017 Share Posted March 31, 2017 Actually I think you need to embrace being alone and learn to love your single life. Not because you will necessarily be single forever but because you seem to hang a lot of your hope and self worth on being with a man. You said that this MM is your last chance at a relationship while lamenting that the middle aged men in your area are going after younger women. You were also surprised that guys weren't flocking to you after you ended your marriage and you only filed for divorce a year ago. Slow down, don't be in such a hurry to get a man and get yourself into another serious relationship. I had been in serious longterm relationships my whole life. My last relationship went on for 10yrs and though I was madly deeply in love with my partner it was a troubled relationship that finally ended forever when he suddenly passed away. The first couple of years on my own were full of loneliness and grief. I was so sad and I also felt so alone. It was a scary time because I had never been completely on my own before but I didn't date because I was grieving and not ready. After a couple of years I realized that there is so much more to life than having a romantic relationship. I started to really enjoy living for myself and having only myself to answer to. It's like a whole new world opened up to me once I overcame my fear of being alone and my only regret is that I didn't do it much sooner in life. I would have made much better choices if I hadn't built so much of my self worth and self esteem on attracting and having men. You say your ex husband was an abusive narcissist and you only divorced him a year ago. It takes a long time to recover from a longterm abusive relationship and there are many things you still need to learn about yourself. You have to get okay with being alone because eventually most everyone winds up alone in the end. Unless you and your partner die together in a crash, one of you will end up alone. Lol...I know I sound pretty grim, but I don't mean it to be negative I just mean that you should look for beauty and happiness in the world and in yourself even if you are single and alone. 7 Link to post Share on other sites
Author RewindRomancer Posted March 31, 2017 Author Share Posted March 31, 2017 You are right, obviously, about learning to live alone before I rush into another relationship. Wise, wise advice. In light of an earlier poster who reminded me of just how small the internet really is, and because of the very real possibility that I'll compromise MM's job, I'm going to stop talking about HIS stuff. But just a couple of other things to answer previous questions/observations...... First, I write like I am much younger because I have several "Millenial" adult children. I also live in the middle of an incredibly youth-oriented culture here. I guess I've picked up the language that surrounds me. Plus, tone does not come across well in writing. Some of the comments I've made that posters have taken offense to here were really made tongue-in-cheek. I don't take myself as seriously as you guys do. I'm fun and funny IRL and I am so, so, so, so glad that I have that part of me back after the nightmare that was my marriage. MM is hilarious, too, and that's part of the glue that has kept us stuck to each other for so many decades. And as far as the ego thing that everybody has pointed out to me, here is my sincere thought (and I've been developing this theory while lurking here for year). Don't all OW have big egos???? I mean think about it.....logically, wouldn't we *have* to have above-average confidence? Most of us believe we are sexy enough to "steal" some older, more successful, wealthier man from his wife, home, and kids, right? That takes guts AND ego. (Not saying any of it is right, but it takes a special kind of woman to go after a man with such enormous odds stacked against her!) PLUS, what successful/narcissistic cheater would go after any woman who didn't have those confident, aggressive, sexy qualities???? Seriously, think about it. I've always pictured the ladies on here as gorgeous, young, sexy, educated professionals. Most of us meet our MM at work - and further, he is often our boss. I'm not "throwing shade" at anybody here - oops, there's that 20-year-old in me coming out again!!! <heh>. But, really, I think the very nature of being an OW requires an above-average confidence/ego. Dunno. Just my thoughts for the day. I'm really not that conceited, I swear. ;o) If you'd known me five years ago, I was beaten down and traumatized. With or without my MM, I am rebuilding and recovering, even spent my therapy session talking about this stuff today. I'm on my way! One last thing.....unless MM blows me up again, I'm done talking about him.....but I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to hang around LS as a regular contributor. It took me months to get up enough guts to post on this forum. You guys can be brutal! But if you all will let me into the club, I'd love to stay and "play" for a while. ;o) You ladies speak truth - even when it hurts. Believe me I'm listening. P.S. BluesPower answered all of my questions. His take on things ring true. MM didn't have a pre-nup and married the WRONG young lady. MM can't handle her, and he's terrified to leave for very real financial reasons. Done. Not my problem anymore...... Link to post Share on other sites
anika99 Posted March 31, 2017 Share Posted March 31, 2017 And as far as the ego thing that everybody has pointed out to me, here is my sincere thought (and I've been developing this theory while lurking here for year). Don't all OW have big egos???? I mean think about it.....logically, wouldn't we *have* to have above-average confidence? Most of us believe we are sexy enough to "steal" some older, more successful, wealthier man from his wife, home, and kids, right? That takes guts AND ego. (Not saying any of it is right, but it takes a special kind of woman to go after a man with such enormous odds stacked against her!) Well it's kind of a paradox isn't it. Yes it takes an inflated ego to decide that you are better than a married man's wife and to actively plan to lure him away from his marriage, however having an inflated ego doesn't require authentic confidence and high self esteem. I also have an ego and it's that ego that has kept me from becoming an OW over the years. Oh I'd like to say I have never been an OW because I'm altruistic and moral. Perhaps that is some of the reason but most of the reason is because my ego doesn't allow me to share a man. I tend to think too highly of myself to accept that position. I don't care what the guy's sad sack story is, I will not accept the man I love, being with another woman, not even his wife. I will not have limits placed on my relationship because my man has to appease another woman, not even his wife. I will not accept a man whom I can't see or call whenever I want. My confidence doesn't allow me to accept a weak man who lacks character and who doesn't take responsibility for his own life and happiness like a grown man. Having a man whining whining to me for 3 hours and crying about how his wife is controlling him and there's just nothing the poor dear can do about it? Barf! That sounds pathetic to me. It doesn't make his wife look bad it makes him sound pathetic and my ego says that someone like that is beneath me. 8 Link to post Share on other sites
Ruffian1 Posted April 1, 2017 Share Posted April 1, 2017 (edited) Your tone sounds like that of a much younger woman. If that sounds like a compliment, it isn't. It is unsettling to hear a woman your age sigh about ever having your man, how the other woman is just jealous and mean, how pretty you are, and so on. It's superficial in the extreme. This is spot on. This whole relationship is based on competition and winning and superficial. PLUS, what successful/narcissistic cheater would go after any woman who didn't have those confident, aggressive, sexy qualities???? Um, no. Cheaters strike in all socioeconomic levels/genders/cultures (like cancer, indiscriminate). Low income, blue collar, jobless, white collar, stay-at-home spouses, politicians, celebrities, girl/guy next door, it doesn't matter. Some will go after AP because the opportunity presents itself. Then you have serial cheaters who make it a way of life. They don't call them "Players" for nothing. Womanizer, philanderers comes to mind also. Confident, aggressive, sexy? That might be qualities you ascribe to some OW, some people may see those traits -relative to a OW/MM relationship- as something completely different. You MM is only out for himself. There is no real LOVE involved with you or his current W. Seems it is all about looks, career success, money, lifestyle. You need to not get involved with a MM. They usually have a hidden agenda. Just my 2 cents. Edited April 1, 2017 by Ruffian1 2 Link to post Share on other sites
jah526 Posted April 1, 2017 Share Posted April 1, 2017 And as far as the ego thing that everybody has pointed out to me, here is my sincere thought (and I've been developing this theory while lurking here for year). Don't all OW have big egos???? I mean think about it.....logically, wouldn't we *have* to have above-average confidence? Most of us believe we are sexy enough to "steal" some older, more successful, wealthier man from his wife, home, and kids, right? That takes guts AND ego. (Not saying any of it is right, but it takes a special kind of woman to go after a man with such enormous odds stacked against her!) PLUS, what successful/narcissistic cheater would go after any woman who didn't have those confident, aggressive, sexy qualities???? Seriously, think about it. I've always pictured the ladies on here as gorgeous, young, sexy, educated professionals. Most of us meet our MM at work - and further, he is often our boss. I'm not "throwing shade" at anybody here - oops, there's that 20-year-old in me coming out again!!! <heh>. But, really, I think the very nature of being an OW requires an above-average confidence/ego. Well, I'm an exception. I've always had self-esteem issues and I believe I was targeted for exactly that reason. I actually think the opposite of what you are describing. MM's MO was to try to "hook" as many women as he could - get them interested in trying activity X away from work, alone with him, where he could work on them more easily. He saw opportunity everywhere. The only thing special about me was that I took the bait. I believe that this MO is more common than what you are describing. MM knows that he has a fatal flaw - that he's married - and that is automatically going to eliminate a huge chunk of the female population, especially the ones who know their worth and would not stoop so low as to be second to anyone. Read the statistics on how many of these MMs find their OWs to be in any way superior to their wives. They're basically just what they can get. 6 Link to post Share on other sites
Steen719 Posted April 1, 2017 Share Posted April 1, 2017 And as far as the ego thing that everybody has pointed out to me, here is my sincere thought (and I've been developing this theory while lurking here for year). Don't all OW have big egos???? I mean think about it.....logically, wouldn't we *have* to have above-average confidence? Most of us believe we are sexy enough to "steal" some older, more successful, wealthier man from his wife, home, and kids, right? That takes guts AND ego. (Not saying any of it is right, but it takes a special kind of woman to go after a man with such enormous odds stacked against her!) I am having the hardest time reconciling your words to reality. OW come in all shapes, sizes, ages, etc. and I guess I am having difficulty seeing how a big ego and above average confidence can help a person accept seconds from anyone. And what if you win? You win someone who can be "stolen" from another woman and well, there are younger women out there who could steal him from you, because after all, he is stealable! What makes that kind of woman "special"? It is really kind of sad to think that you honestly think you are special because you can lure someone's husband away and then when he still doesn't choose you, you somehow make it about her, his wife, instead of you. I'm sure you are young looking and attractive, but older women and men trying to act, look and talk like they are years younger is just kind of sad, millenial children or not. I'm not saying to lay down and die, but maybe move on from "gee, I think he likes me" to "maybe there is an unattached man out there I can enjoy spending time with". 12 Link to post Share on other sites
oldbutcurious Posted April 1, 2017 Share Posted April 1, 2017 ...and I've been future-faked, right? I believe it might be. Link to post Share on other sites
lana-banana Posted April 1, 2017 Share Posted April 1, 2017 You say you're done talking about the MM, but until you get real about the circumstances you're setting yourself up for something like this to happen again. No, the lesson here is not "he WANTS to be with me but he married a devious witch who won't let him". The lesson is a man strung you along and lied to you, you ate it up hook line and sinker even though he didn't give you anything in return, and then he cut you loose. The end. I am not an other woman, but my fiancé left his long-term girlfriend to be with me. They had a townhouse and other legal assets together. When we decided to start a relationship he separated immediately and two months later they had both moved out and dissolved all joint holdings. It's possible. When a man wants to be with you, he's with you, and he certainly doesn't lie about his wife as an excuse. If you want to focus on yourself then you need to understand what's happened to you and why it happened. Avoiding it only guarantees you'll do it again. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
HappyAgain2014 Posted April 2, 2017 Share Posted April 2, 2017 Most OW don't have big egos. In fact, if they did, they wouldn't settle for the waiting game that comes with MM. I never would have looked at a MM twice until my affair. I was coming out of a bad marriage and was at a low point in my life. It was a perfect storm of overly emotional thinking. In a twisted sense, I thought my xMM understood. I thought he was in the same place. Stealing him wasn't my objective. I thought I was saving him. Yep, twisted thinking. The painful realization that he had become a cake eater knocked me right out of that mindset. I was essentially filling the gaps in his marriage and that stood in the way of any chance he and his wife had to address those issues. I'm back to my pre-affair perspective about married men interested in cheating. They are selfish men who think like entitled children. I want nothing to do with any of them. 5 Link to post Share on other sites
elaine567 Posted April 2, 2017 Share Posted April 2, 2017 And as far as the ego thing that everybody has pointed out to me, here is my sincere thought (and I've been developing this theory while lurking here for year). Don't all OW have big egos???? I mean think about it.....logically, wouldn't we *have* to have above-average confidence? Most of us believe we are sexy enough to "steal" some older, more successful, wealthier man from his wife, home, and kids, right? That takes guts AND ego. (Not saying any of it is right, but it takes a special kind of woman to go after a man with such enormous odds stacked against her!) I think some OW do have big egos and that is their particular Achilles heel which can be exploited by the MM. He knows her ego is very important to her, so he learns that if he inflates and strokes her ego, she is putty in his hands. Common OW thinking, amply aided and abetted by compliments and future faking from the MM - "He WILL eventually choose me of course he will, I am younger, prettier, more intelligent, funnier, more interesting, sexier, more successful, kinder, more caring, more loving...etc. etc. than his wife. He will not be able to resist me... PLUS, what successful/narcissistic cheater would go after any woman who didn't have those confident, aggressive, sexy qualities???? Seriously, think about it. Truth is many successful/narcissistic MM do not want truly confident independent women. They are on the look out for "wounded animals" or successful women they can take down a peg and control. He is usually not looking for another wife, he is usually just looking for an OW and that is different. Many single OW and even some MW make the mistake of treating the MM as just another single guy. They believe the rules of engagement are the same. "He has a gf, he meets me, he ditches the gf and WE become the couple." BUT it's not usually the same "He has a wife, he meets me, he makes me his OW, he has no intention of leaving his wife, I watch from the sidelines, waiting... whilst he just gets on with his normal married life" He calls the shots, he juggles both women in the air and that for some men can be very empowering. He is "da man", he has two besotted, lovestruck women at his beck and call. He often gives them both what he thinks they need, he tells them both what they want to hear. I guess neither woman is really the full package for him, hence why he needs both in his life, or why he flits from one to the other. One moment he is putting up picket fences with the OW, the next he is reconciling with his wife... The OW may be outwardly confident, aggressive and sexy but she is also vulnerable in some way, otherwise she would have told the MM to take a hike from the start, and instead of playing his game, she would have looked around for an equally successful single man of her own. 9 Link to post Share on other sites
Author RewindRomancer Posted September 20, 2017 Author Share Posted September 20, 2017 (edited) I don't feel guilty...nope...not one bit. He literally talked my son and I through the evacuation of the biggest natural disaster in American history. Did it. Own it. We're back on. Sigh...... RR Edited September 20, 2017 by a Moderator Anonymity~T Link to post Share on other sites
travelbug1996 Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 This is the sad story about the guy who you were on and off with for 40 years who married like 2 or 3 times in those 40 years? Pining away for 40 years for someone is so sad and such a waste of precious time. Think about it.....he never married you in all that time. Why is that? hmmmmmm Don't waste your pretty. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 All that hard work and grieving you've done, it's all gone! It's back to square one. You get what you get so be prepared for this to blow up again. You're gonna allow him to break your heart (again) and ruin what self love/self respect and self esteem you have for yourself now. You two are sickly obsessed with one another and after 40 years, you two aren't together officially. Kind of says something doesn't it? I'm guessing he didn't divorce his wife during the 8 months of NC. Link to post Share on other sites
freengreen Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 Sigh. You proved to be a sucker for pain . Why is it hard to realise that he isnt the a part if your harley+beach dream rather he is breaking you over and over again.. Link to post Share on other sites
gettingstronger Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 Have his circumstances changed? Link to post Share on other sites
Author RewindRomancer Posted September 20, 2017 Author Share Posted September 20, 2017 (edited) No, his circumstances haven't changed but my attitude has. I don't take myself as seriously as you guys do. ;o) I live so far away from him that a genuine PA is almost impossible. Yes, I adore him - always have. But I'm not "pining" away for any man. And, just to be clear, he spent 3 years in college following me around "adoring" me. I should have married him then but I couldn't commit - too many hot guys roaming around campus. ha! So he gave up and found someone else. I rejected him, not the other way around. We never married because of MY choice. Yesterday I wrote a HUGE post explaining this entire relationship. But it just got too long and convoluted, so I deleted the whole thing. I'm not "waiting for him to leave his wife." I'm pretty sure he'll get there on his own, whether I'm in the picture or not. This was the 3rd disaster MM has talked me through. He's my go-to person in emergencies. I deliberated about 2 seconds before breaking NC. He stayed in constant contact with me for 2 solid days while we evacuated, even though he was managing part of the storm himself. I ended up at my cousin's house for the week - 5 minutes from his home. AND GUESS WHAT. I canceled a lunch date with him at the last minute and left town. I wasn't ready to start up in person again. I'll talk to him all day long, but no intimacy unless he actually divorces. So I guess I'm in an EA with him now which suits me just fine for the moment. Edited September 21, 2017 by a Moderator off topic ~T Link to post Share on other sites
rumblefish12 Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 Horrible? Think about where you're posting. I went back to see what your first post looked like in light of this. You said you "fell into" an EA. That's really passive. Like you stepped in ****. You have a role and a choice in this. Your first post asked, "what are my chances?" If you are still asking that, I'd respond that I have no idea what your chances are that you'll be wife #4 (?), but your chances are really really good that if you do end up with him that it won't last. You are walking into this with your eyes wide open. And I'm not a BS, I'm the MM/OM who has made huge mistakes and learned from all the posters here. You have to be respectful of the BS who didn't choose this. If you want to suggest they drove their MM to an A, that's just not true. Married men have the choice. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
William Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 (edited) Folks, let's keep in mind that the idea here is to help and advise the OP on their situation. Let's double check and make sure our replies are accomplishing that before we hit that "SUBMIT" button so I can stop hitting that "INFRACTION" button. ~T Edited September 21, 2017 by William Link to post Share on other sites
ladydesigner Posted September 20, 2017 Share Posted September 20, 2017 (edited) The fact you broke NC and are back on again isn't a good sign. How many years do you want to waste on this MM? Months, Years, Decades... it's up to you what you are willing to accept. Edited September 21, 2017 by a Moderator 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Darren Steez Posted September 21, 2017 Share Posted September 21, 2017 We have an understanding that he will contact me once he moves out. However I do understand, at this point, that may be never. But none the less you'll be waiting. So you're wasting your life. The guy's a winner. Link to post Share on other sites
wmacbride Posted September 21, 2017 Share Posted September 21, 2017 Op, I read through the thread, and I have to ask. Are you sure it's really him who you love and not all the drama he brings into your life? Link to post Share on other sites
HiCrunchy Posted September 22, 2017 Share Posted September 22, 2017 I'm 22 and even I don't have this much drama in my life. I am sure someone of your age could spend her golden years with someone way less exhausting. OP I think you need to block and delete (which is totally within your power and then just move on). You can think of him fondly, but let him go darling. It is for the best 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Author RewindRomancer Posted September 22, 2017 Author Share Posted September 22, 2017 Thank you Crunchy, that was a really well thought out, kind reply. I AM a bit of an adrenaline junky - so that was some good insight. Thanks for not "piling on." I've had no contact with him since I got home. My choice. P.S. And thank you William for cleaning up the mess.... 1 Link to post Share on other sites
gettingstronger Posted September 22, 2017 Share Posted September 22, 2017 Thank you Crunchy, that was a really well thought out, kind reply. I AM a bit of an adrenaline junky - so that was some good insight. Thanks for not "piling on." I've had no contact with him since I got home. My choice. P.S. And thank you William for cleaning up the mess.... Sounds like you live in a place where you can get your "fix" for adrenaline lots of ways that will benefit you. Go out and do that now. Link to post Share on other sites
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