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Dancing for Weight Loss/Fitness

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Go ahead and laugh if you want, but my new strategy is to be more active by playing Just Dance. I absolutely hate winter, don't like the gym, and basically I never know how to stay in shape over the winter. Normally I do lots of biking outside in spring/summer/fall. So yeah. I'm not trying to lose a huge amount of weight, just a couple of inches around my waist. The game is really fun and it gets my heart rate up. I'm also eating more healthy by cooking my own meals instead of depending so much on frozen pizzas and take-out food.


Does anyone else stay in shape with dancing or with other video-game-related fitness games?

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It sounds like it could be similar to Zumba, which I have done and have had results from. There are a lot of free videos on YouTube that are easy to follow along with if you get bored of Just Dance!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not familiar with that one but when I first started belly dancing I lost a lot of weight, improved my stamina, and toned up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a good strategy for maintenance or minor adjustment, especially if it gives you joy to do it. Anything that gets you moving and keeps you from snacking while you're doing it is a good activity.


The primary problem is with perspiration. If you raise your heart rate and body temperature enough to get a good workout, you're going to sweat. When you're moving, the perspiration tends to spray. Over time, a carpeted room with upholstered furniture may begin to smell like a high school gym.


If you have a good space to do this, with a floor you can wet-mop, it's a great strategy.


The othe obvious issue is that exercise is great for shaping and toning, but your overall body size is 85-90 percent determined by what you eat. An inch or two around the waist may be do-able, but also consider dropping one less-healthy food item from your reguar kitchen routine.

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Hello :)

I actually find that a creative way to get active as I have the same issue in not being interested in the gym. As much as I try it just doesn't motivate me.


As a dancer for years I always had that as a mandatory form of fitness and back then I could eat what I wanted and still look good. However at 24, not as easy lol. I think the dance video games are like perfect for cardio, and thats what I need. I think I threw those DDR mats now thinking about it. Anyways, power to ya, we all have our nitch and to me dance is such a release and form of expression issue is finding dance classes around me, and the money :/


Hope all goes well :)

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Miss Spider
Go ahead and laugh if you want, but my new strategy is to be more active by playing Just Dance. I absolutely hate winter, don't like the gym, and basically I never know how to stay in shape over the winter. Normally I do lots of biking outside in spring/summer/fall. So yeah. I'm not trying to lose a huge amount of weight, just a couple of inches around my waist. The game is really fun and it gets my heart rate up. I'm also eating more healthy by cooking my own meals instead of depending so much on frozen pizzas and take-out food.


Does anyone else stay in shape with dancing or with other video-game-related fitness games?


I love dancing!! I'm actually trying to gain weight atm, however, dancing is great workout for anyone!! It tones your body and is fun at the same time. And yes, I dance at home by myself :laugh:

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Hello :)

I actually find that a creative way to get active as I have the same issue in not being interested in the gym. As much as I try it just doesn't motivate me.


As a dancer for years I always had that as a mandatory form of fitness and back then I could eat what I wanted and still look good. However at 24, not as easy lol. I think the dance video games are like perfect for cardio, and thats what I need. I think I threw those DDR mats now thinking about it. Anyways, power to ya, we all have our nitch and to me dance is such a release and form of expression issue is finding dance classes around me, and the money :/


Hope all goes well :)


I think it depends on the "type" of dancing you are doing but I would

bet it is an aerobic exercise which gets the body moving and is a form

of cardio. So, it would more than likely be a good workout. I love to

go out dancing (date wise) which does not seem to be nearly as popular

on a date as it once was....when I played, we used forms of aerobics to deal with soreness, flexibility and overall "stretchability". Good Luck to you

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Quiet Storms

I would never laugh at that!


I used to be in a hip-hop dance group; we used to perform in public. Since stopping that a few years ago I have missed it. I love Just Dance and I also love DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Fun songs, great exercise.

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If maintenance and staying in shape is your goal, the best way to do that (from the offhand knowledge of my total lay-person understanding) is by combining strength, flexibility, and cardio. Dancing really hits the cardio, and a little of the other two depending on the type and level of dance that you are doing. I'd really recommend, for health combing those with some good stretching videos, and since you hate the gym and probably wouldn't like weight training at the gym, looking up some videos for using your body weight to strengthen your muscles.


If weight loss is at all your goal, then it is different...


As my trainer said to me (as I need to lose some weight!) , weight loss will primarily be a matter of diet, but the exercise can help accelerate that!


Now, from a standpoint of calorie-burning, from what I remember muscle burns more calories, so increase muscle mass and increase overall calorie burn from the cardio and exercise that you do. From that standpoint weight-training is your friend as well! Increase the muscle mass your using when you exercise and increase calorie expenditure.


I hope that helps! Dancing is so much fun, and I really love it!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Go ahead and laugh if you want, but my new strategy is to be more active by playing Just Dance. I absolutely hate winter, don't like the gym, and basically I never know how to stay in shape over the winter. Normally I do lots of biking outside in spring/summer/fall. So yeah. I'm not trying to lose a huge amount of weight, just a couple of inches around my waist. The game is really fun and it gets my heart rate up. I'm also eating more healthy by cooking my own meals instead of depending so much on frozen pizzas and take-out food.


Does anyone else stay in shape with dancing or with other video-game-related fitness games?


I actually made some dance fitness videos with this idea in mind. However, the videos were pretty terrible so i won't be doing any more. Needless to say I think it's a great idea. :bunny:

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The primary problem is with perspiration. If you raise your heart rate and body temperature enough to get a good workout, you're going to sweat. When you're moving, the perspiration tends to spray. Over time, a carpeted room with upholstered furniture may begin to smell like a high school gym.


If you have a good space to do this, with a floor you can wet-mop, it's a great strategy.


Interesting. I've always wondered why gyms smell so bad.


If I ever start working out, it will likely be dance and outdoor cycling because it fun, or yoga.

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  • 1 month later...

we go dancing for fun about once an month, more in the summer wedding season. I notice that older couples who are really good dancers are also very slim.

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