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Pilot's career and homelife


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I wanted to know if someone in this post knows a pilot or is related to a pilot because my boyfriend will soon become one and he is worried that once he gets to a commuter airline he would be sent to live 3 or 6 months to a different state.We are dating seriously and love each other, he doesn't want this problem to affect a future marriage for him not being at home all the time. Hhe sais he has seen other pilots with the same problem and they have ended in divorce. I told him he has my support and that i would never walk out on him. He says he loves me very much and that he never will find someone so understanding. I told him that if he thinks with negativity that might cause a relationship problem because he would not be appreciative of his wife accepting him the way he is.I would really like to know more about this subject and how can i make him feel better.

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Whether he's a pilot or a member of any other profession...it makes absolutely no difference...he can be subject to transfer.


Yes, pilots can be based almost anywhere but your boyfriend doesn't have to take a job outside of your area. He can wait for an opportunity right there. If he's intent on working for a commuter airline, just how much he can be with you will be determined by the airline, how far he is based from you, what his flying schedule is, etc.


There is simply no way of predicting just how this will work out for you. But I will say this, most of my friends who are pilots hold flying about as close to their hearts as having sex.


I think if two people love each other and act maturely, it shouldn't be difficult to have this work out for you. If you ever have problems, just get on your radio and shout "MAYDAY".

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Both of my parents were in the airlines. My mother was a flight attendant for Eastern, and my father was a flight engineer and is now the head mechanic for USAir. Also, my boss is dating a United Airlines pilot (he's based in NYC).


There's a few things I do know. When a person starts out with a new airline, they have low seniority. Since they are at the bottom of the barrel, they usually have to work holidays (X-mas and New Years), so that will stink for a while. They also are pretty much on-call 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. His life won't be his own for a while, but in the long-run it will be worth it - and it's excellent money. As for relocation, it depends on what airline he's with. California and Florida are the 2 most popular places where people want to be based. Hopefully, you live in NYC or Boston. There are 3 airports in the NYC area, so you'd be lucky if you both live there.


I can ask my boss to ask her boyfriend. He'll be able to answer any questions you have. Also, let me know what state you live in, so I can find out if it is a popular place for people to be based.

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