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Workaholic or not interested?

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I met this guy 2half months ago at a bar. We got on really well and I got his number and messaged first and we've been texting ever since. We've been on a total of 3 dates and yes we've slept together more recently, the last time we saw each other. However I have seen him a total of 6 times as we have the same local bar, and obviously when we've seen each other out we've had a flirt and a kiss.


He's a workaholic and works 12 hour shifts through the day so it's hard to see each other during the week and sometimes he works weekends too. He messaged me saying he's sorry he hasn't been I touch etc and we flirt but he hasn't arranged a date or when to meet. I'm not sure if he's interested. The whole thing is very spacey and not consistent which I'm not sure is down to the fact that he works all the time and doesn't have time or doesn't want to make time but then I don't see why he would message if he wasn't interested. He's not the type to go out every weekend drinking with his friends, he mostly just works.


Shall I just message and ask if he's busy this weekend to meet up? Please help. I arranged our second date so I don't want to look too desperate. Any advice would be grateful. I've been single 4 years so I don't know if it's me being to invested already. I'm 23 and he's 28 if that makes a difference

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It doesn't matter whether he's too busy or not interested. What matters is whether or not he's dedicating the time to you which you need. If not, then find someone who can give you what you need.

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Read a pop psychology book called He's Just Not That Into You. Even workaholics make time for the things the care about, like dating.

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Shall I just message and ask if he's busy this weekend to meet up? Please help. I arranged our second date so I don't want to look too desperate. Any advice would be grateful. I've been single 4 years so I don't know if it's me being to invested already. I'm 23 and he's 28 if that makes a difference


He is not interested. Sure he likes you enough to see you once in a while but he's not interested in taking this further.


When a man is into you he'll be in your face with it, you will never have to wonder if he likes you. He will make you feel important in any way he can find.


At 28 he is not a kid anymore. He knows exactly what to do to make a woman feel special.

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