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To : Sally


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Thank you for responding to my post. I would definetely appreciate any information you have about the pilot's job. I reside in texas. is the moving or being on call 24 hrs works on the commuter airlines only? How long will it take to jump into the major airline? thanks for your help.

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It really all depends on where he gets based which will determine his reserve time. Usually people stay on reserve from anywhere from 6 mo. to 2 yrs., which really isn't so bad. Texas (Dallas-FtWorth) has one of the largest airports in the country. There are so many different airlines there, I don't see why he wouldn't be able to get a job with one of the larger airlines or even get based there with the commuter airline he's going with. I'd give it about 1-1/2 to 2 yrs. with the commuter airlines and then he'll probably be accepted to one of the larger ones. My boss' boyfriend was in the airforce and went straight to United Airlines after. He's been with the company 6yrs., makes a lot of money, and has high seniority. He was based in NYC and after only 6 months was off of reserve. He also put in a bid to fly the 747. It will depend on what kind of aircraft your boyfriend wants to fly eventually, which will determine where he goes, paycheck and amount of time he'll be on reserve. My boss' boyfriend bid on the 747, got it, makes an incredible paycheck, and flys from NY to London. he's usually gone for 3 days at a time (13 hr flights) and then will have a lot of time off toward the end of the month, so he gets to spend a lot of time with my boss. Don't worry about him picking up a flight attendant or meeting a crew member. They are constantly switching the crew around, so he'll rarely fly with the same people (It's a rule the airlines have).


I would just tell your boyfriend to put in for his first request - Texas. You never know, he could get it. Even if he's on reserve for a long time, at least he'll be near you.


I hope some of this has helped out.

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