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friendship or something else?

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I have been seeing this guy for a while, we meet normally at the weekend, just the two of us and we always have a great time. We have lots of things in common, we laugh a lot and we spend hours and hours together, time flies when we are together. It feels like there is something there but nothing happens. Whenever we go out he always sends me a message afterwards to let me know he has had a great time or texts me late at night to find out if I made it home safely. He calls me and always suggests to meet again and we always make plans for the next time we will meet. I don't know what to think, I do fancy him but I am not sure if he just sees me as a friend or he is perhaps unsure himself of what I feel for him. I am really puzzled. Please help!

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wow sheila! sounds like the situation I'm in as well with a friend that is a girl, however I have known her for at least 7 years. I guess at that point it's just friends. But..... How long have you guys known each other? How long have you guys hung out? What kind of activities are ya'll doing?

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Have you tried stepping up your flirting with him? For example, touching him more, eye contact, etc.? That might be a way to test the waters.

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