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Someone help me >Tony take time and read this please

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Me and my man are now in a long-distance relationship b/c of school. I like him a lot and always think about him he tells me the same. But I am so worried b/c he does look good and he is back home in New York and there are a lot of cute girls there that he might be or will cheat on me he tells me he won't and he will wait for me. But now recently he doesn't have time for me like he used to he goes to school and work now so we only get to talk on Sundays. I am upset about that I mean I sit and think what id he is seeing someone else or if he is OK. I just feel neglected you know. I need some attention from him. I don't know what to do I try to forget him but it is not working I gave up to much to be with this guy and I am not just gonna brake up with him now and who knows I think I love him. I just want him to talk to me again I feel so lonely I mean this is already a long-distance relationship and w out communication ut would be hard to make work. Well someone help me and tell me what to do thanx for reading this and God bless

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Hay, your not married and you to are free to see other guys to , if i were 20 again i would have dated a few more men to, not for sex but for the learning experiance. i mena each man is differant and you have to find the one that dont miff you off more then make you happy and thats the trick to everlasting love have fun enjoy go to sturgis turn the tables.

Me and my man are now in a long-distance relationship b/c of school. I like him a lot and always think about him he tells me the same. But I am so worried b/c he does look good and he is back home in New York and there are a lot of cute girls there that he might be or will cheat on me he tells me he won't and he will wait for me. But now recently he doesn't have time for me like he used to he goes to school and work now so we only get to talk on Sundays. I am upset about that I mean I sit and think what id he is seeing someone else or if he is OK. I just feel neglected you know. I need some attention from him. I don't know what to do I try to forget him but it is not working I gave up to much to be with this guy and I am not just gonna brake up with him now and who knows I think I love him. I just want him to talk to me again I feel so lonely I mean this is already a long-distance relationship and w out communication ut would be hard to make work. Well someone help me and tell me what to do thanx for reading this and God bless
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You can't have a relationship with someone you don't trust. He has told you he would be loyal but you don't trust that he will be. So a relationship with him is totally impossible.


Go find somebody you trust or lives close enough to you that you can keep a close watch on him.


No matter who you are with from now until the end of the world, there will always be many cute girls he can cheat on you with. Most cheating takes place right in the same town where both people live.


So you better do what you can to get over your distrust or you'll have a tough life ahead when it comes to relationships.

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