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this is really screwed up

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Kinda need some advice.I live out in ohio. I asked a girl out about 2 weeks ago. She had a huge crush on me about a year ago. I really never got the courage to ask her out then, and so she went out with another guy. She broke up with him a few months ago and so I finally asked her out, and I was kind of relieved when she said yes.


Well a few hours before the date she asked if she could bring some friends b/c they were in town. I didn't want to be mean and I told her it was ok with me. So we meet up and it turns out the two friends who "were in town" that she brought was her (ex)boyfriend and one of her best friends, who I knew. We just went to see a movie. She sat between her friend and (ex)boyfriend. I was kinda happy when it was over b/c it wasn't the most comfortable situation to be in.


So I asked her out again about a few days later. she said yes again, well when I went to meet her she turned out to be a no show. Later that night she told me that she was really sorry that she didn't show up, she never gave me a reason. and I was a little ticked off so I really didn't care about the reason. After saying sorry about 5 times she told me that the next night she was going to see a movie and wanted to know if I wanted to come. I told her that I'd have to see if I was doing anything then. She said she hoped I'd come with "them".


I decided to go and showed up. I saw her and started walking towards her, she walked right past me with another guy. So I turned around and met up with them. It turned out she invited about 4 friends to come too. She also invited her (ex)boyfriend again. The entire night no one really talked to me, including her. I was basically completely ignored. She sat next to her (ex)boyfriend again with the other 3 guys between me and her. After the movie I just left while they went to get something to eat.


Should I just forget about her? If she really didn't want to go out with me why did she say yes? Like the thread says, this is really screwed up....

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I agree that is really screwed up. I wouldn't ever ask her out again, and if she trys to call to go out again just tell her you are not interested in going out with her and her ex anymore. I just wonder if she is putting on this show for you or her ex. You don't need to waste your time with someone who plays such games.

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Thats ****ed. What katty said. dont even bother with this girl anymore. What a big waste of time.

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