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masturbation ?

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My boyfriend and i fool around alot, we don't have intercourse but he touches my crotch. the problem is that i can't come like this and don't know why. I'm relaxed and get


wet but i don't climax. Please help me! Also, i feel uncomfortable after my boyfriend rubs me because i get sweaty and his hand smells a little funky afterwards. I can only feel pleasure when i rub myself against him.

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Probably the reason you do not reach a climax is because he does not know what feels good to you. He can try and try and try, but unless he knows where and what way(s) to touch you, it's just not going to work.


Now, on the other side, you know what feels good. You know how much pressure to put where and for how long, etc.


All you can do is try to show him what to do and how to do it. You may need to guide his hand for him. Don't be surprised if he doesn't get it right, even after many times of showing him how.


As far as the smell goes, you may need to talk to another lady about that. I don't know where you are from or your cultural customs; the only thing I can suggest is, bathe daily and observe other good hygiene practices.

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A lil smell is normal ... if it's a lot - i kind of have that problem - the only way out is to take a shower right b4 the date ... and maybe go to the washroom and clean up a bit right b4 u fool around ... i heard it's normal for young girls to smell more than adult women down there cuz development still isn't completes or smth like dat ...


have fun =)

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I agree with Ed.


Take his hand and show him where to go, what to touch exactly and how to do it. Only you know what feels good to you, so you have to basically show him what to do.


Better yet, before you do this, explore yourself with your hands. Figure out what turns you on. And then guide him to do the same.


About the odor, if everything is normal, there shouldn't be any UNpleasant odor as long as you practice good hygiene. If it does smell a little "funky", it may be because of the sweat, especially if you're doing this at night, and you haven't showered since that morning. But if the odor is pretty "funky" or unpleasant, then maybe you should goto your gynecologist.

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SPARKLE WRITES: "goto your gynecologist."


Why do they call the gynecologists when they are mostly for gals???

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Maybe that's why they're usually referred to as


O-B/G-Y-N's, so they don't say the word "guy" anymore.

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Well first off do like it when he fondles with you? And also this is how me and my bf started out, then it lead on to having sex....I really still like when he plays with me, but if you guy's don't want to go all the way then maybe you should have him eat you out....That feels gooooood!!

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