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So, Should I attempt to pick up a girl when out there ? Problem is I am too soft hearted and scared of rejection. I will break down easily. And I would be very awkward anyway.

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So, Should I attempt to pick up a girl when out there ? Problem is I am too soft hearted and scared of rejection. I will break down easily. And I would be very awkward anyway.

You need to build confidence in yourself through accomplishments in your life, like career or working a job that gives you self satisfaction. Do something creative like learning to play guitar, play a physical sport, body building, etc. You need to get your testosterone levels up and what better to do that by going to the gym.

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So, Should I attempt to pick up a girl when out there ? Problem is I am too soft hearted and scared of rejection. I will break down easily. And I would be very awkward anyway.


You are letting fear and anxiety get the better of you.


Dating is about rejection. Chances are, you will meet and be rejected by many women before you find "the one." But, you will never get what you want if you aren't willing to take the risk.


Life, is about trying and failing, and learning... You gain confidence by trying new things and having accomplishments. It starts by getting a job. Learn a new skill. Make a new friend. If you seek to avoid this because you fear failure and rejection, you will never get anywhere.


Please, seek counselling for your anxiety. And then, get out there and live your life.

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I have and had very few friends. And I never approached them. All my friends came to me first. And all friends but one, were male. I am very quiet and shy, and not social.


Look, you said it right there ^ "I am very quiet and shy, and not social."


How in God's name can you expect to get a girlfriend if you are not social and are quiet? What's in it for her? How you going to meet her?


If you can't make friends and don't enjoy being around people, likewise, you can't have a girlfriend. There's nothing there but fear and loathing. What's to like? Why would a woman choose that?


You need to get in therapy and work on yourself. Find out why you have social anxiety and why your self-esteem is so low you get suicidal because of it. A woman isn't a magic wand that is going to transform you. A woman isn't the answer to your problems. Therapy is.

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The High school sweetheart was my lifelong dream, It is what I preferred to live for because it is my mentality. Fate should have known that.

Yeah...no! It is NOT the job of 'Fate' to do your work on Earth and to fulfill your dreams on Earth. (Who told you that's what 'Fate' is for?)


Your mentality is dependent-arising, and, thus, is not fixed and can be changed. In fact, you yourself can refute everything that you have been telling yourself about yourself - but it will take your intellect and ability to reason and critically discern science and facts from fantasy and fiction. The Way of Liberation.


If your family's businesses can support you for the rest of this natural life, all power to you - and to them. But, nobody else will - and, by the Law of Free Will,

no external Higher Power, force or agent can - fulfill your role or your dreams on Earth. You do not have to do it this time around...BUT...you will have to do it sometime.

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