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Made a huge mistake

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I'm confused by your expectations, do you expect once you speak to a woman that you become her only option? It's not a healthy mindset.


Her talking to other guys don't make you option. B, only makes you an option. Until you commit or come to an agree that is all you can or should expect.


Yes you're right. I need to get my head together. But i still have to figure out how to lessen the contact a bit to avoid this happening again. Well, it wouldn't happen again as i'd just remove myself from the picture. While my mindset if screwed up, i doubt i'm gonna be able to fix it right this moment.

Edited by Ostepop
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Yes you're right. I need to get my head together. But i still have to figure out how to lessen the contact a bit to avoid this happening again. Well, it wouldn't happen again as i'd just remove myself from the picture. While my mindset if screwed up, i doubt i'm gonna be able to fix it right this moment.



Stop trying to date via LDR. Find a local person you can spend time with in person.

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I will say that you did right by at least Skyping so at least you knew who you were talking to and that you weren't wasting your time with a lying 57 year old trucker or something.


But everyone is right. You are just looking at the virtual chess board. No moves have been made until you are dating in person. You have not gotten off Square 1. If you think she'll let you, go to where she lives for a few days and date her. If you think it's futile because you have no money or you are both unwilling to move, then what is the point beyond just fantasy?

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The age bracket you two fall into would be good info. Younger girls love attention. I've known girls in the past that flirt with multiple boys online. Great way to feel special without all that messy commitment and sex stuff. Based on what you've told us so far, this sounds like a pretty emotionally precarious situation for you. I've known a few friends who had long distant skype/chat relationships become real world relationships, but they were at a fairly mature age (30s) and communicated clearly what they were looking for as the relationship evolved. If you're in your 30s... Maybe it's legit but you "sound" younger to me.


Also... How long has this online relationship been going on?

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