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How do I tell my friend my feelings for him?

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Okay if you're sure you want to stay 'friends' then I guess it is just the risk of never knowing what could have been vs. the risk of some awkwardness between you two at least for awhile.


But I want to say that if a man broke it off with me in the past, I'd believe with relative certainty friendship (with or without benefits) was all he wanted until he told me otherwise. He was the one who stopped it from going anywhere in the first place.


I hope it works out for you.


It's true. He was getting back together with his ex at the time (not this ex, a past ex). Thanks for all your replies.

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Your relationship isn't going well so well. So you are in a relationship right now. Why don't you do a favor to the guy you are with and end that relationship, before you make a move to the new (old) guy. Monkey branching is not cool. Have some decency.


I love how everyone pretends to not see that you are already in a relationship! You should change your thread title to "How to cheat on my boyfriend."

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Tell him. You don't give your age. But, at 54, I'll give you the old man's advice. I regret A LOT more things I have not done than things I have done. you don't want to look back on this twenty or thirty years from now and think, "What if."

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