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i have been with the same guy for a little over a year now, and everything is good between the two of us. We rarely argue with each other, and he have a great time when we hang out. For our year anniversary i bought him a t-shirt and a dvd.(i'm a broke college student) and he gave me 6 red roses(he is a college student too). I was just glad that he bought me something at all. But everyone that i tell what he bought me, they think that he does care about me because he didn't buy me something more expensive. I didn't feel that way until my friends starting saying things like that. The other thing about our relationship that is bothering me is that he says that "I'll probably call later" and then he doesn't call. He does call, but it isn't when he said that he would. If that makes sense. When I am expecting him to call he doesn't, and when I am expecting to not hear from him he will call. I have said that it bothers me, and he will change for a little while, and then go back to the same thing. I really do care about him a lot and I enjoy being in a relationship with him. I am just having a hard time lately, because everyone I know says that he doesn't care about me and I should break up with him. Does anyone have some advice for me? Please send me some responses.

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As far as your friends commenting on his gift of flowers as being insufficient, I think they are a bunch of low class, tactless, unthoughtful snobs. If they want him to give you something more expensive, tell them to go give him the money. I think it's great and practical on his part that he doesn't increase his student loans so he can give you a stereo instead of flowers. Your friends really suk on this issue.


Where your boyfriend's calls are concerned, just go about your day and don't plan for his calls regardless of when he says he will call. When he does call, enjoy your talk. Some people are just busy or bad with timing. If you go through life expecting everybody to do WHAT they say and/or WHEN they say, you will be in BIG TROUBLE.

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