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I dont want to screw the band up if she rejects my possible attraction to her.

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Hello there all,


My dilema is this, I play in a band and am starting to develop strong feelings for a female within the group.


I know this is like work so to speak so probably not a good thing look at the "rumours" album by fleetwood mac.


I sent her a text a week ago after our last rehersal and said i like ur work, tonight when i dropped her home she told me in conversation that she luved my work. Probably didnt mean a a thing.


Very confused as I think she is a wonderful person but I dont want to screw the band up if she rejects my possible attraction to her.


Any suggestions??

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Women are so confusing :p


Do women know when a guy is attrcated to them?

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Well, I think in your case I would only do something if you really really get along well with her. If things turn awkward it will be awful. Or you will write a hit like Gwen Stefani. :p


If she looks at you and smiles, talks a lot with you, seeks your attention, then you're probably in. Otherwise, just forget it.

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Or you will write a hit like Gwen Stefani.




Lmao loony. throw caution to the wind ;)

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

Women are so confusing :p


Do women know when a guy is attracted to them?


She probably knows if you are attracted to her. Women have a sixth sense about these things. Unless she lets you know she is interested ( hair playing, eye contact, wants to do things with you, wants to get in your head and find out what makes you tick ) I would leave it alone. Unless she is shy a women will let a man know if she is interested. If you have to wonder she probably isn't into you.

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not all women know when a guy is into them or not. many times women can find the "clues" that you give them to be confusing so she may very well not know that you like her.


you know if you go after her you're taking a chance of causing lots of turmoil in your band that could blow the whole thing up. if it works, well then you guys will probably be better for it. it's a risky situation, only you can decide if it's worth the risk


let us know how it turns out :)

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As someone who has dated many musicians I feel the need to comment.


I met my ex boyfriend through my friend who plays in his band. I knew him (not well) for about two years while I was with my other ex, and was always at his shows to support my friend. We had never met formally until three months after I broke up with old ex. We hit it off really well and two weeks after meeting we were an item. It went fast and fizzled in about 6 month. We broke up. Now we have MANY mutual friends and he plays shows with my friends other bands all the time. He goes out of his way to ignore me and everytime I see his band play (which all his bandmates and their girlfriends have become close friends) its really upsetting. I don't even want him back and it is upsetting. The sad part is, we broke up to be friends and now that I am not calling him for occasional booty he wants nothing to do with me and acts like we were never even on speaking terms. All this and we had a mutual break-up. I can't imagine the pain if it was a bad break-up or if I had to see him on a daily basis like you would have to.


I say weigh the options hard because in most cases when you break-up it will be extremely awkward. I wish I had never hooked up with my ex because of this ****.


As far as women knowing men are into them, I am blind to that stuff. I am the last to know when a guy likes me and I only figure it out when he flat out tells me. But I am naive :)

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I agree with u guys on this one.


To risky, as much as i beleive im feeling for her it will only cause unhapiness in the future i need to derail these feelings imediately!


I do get the eye contact thing happening and the hair plaing thing I agree with you marsh bear , women just drive me insane.......... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

Hats of to women ... :bunny:


with out ladies life would be toooooo easy :p


oh like you guys don't make it tough on us either :p:D

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

Hats of to women ... :bunny:


with out ladies life would be toooooo easy :p

Life without us is like a summer night without the stars and the moon. :love: Or like a night without nightmares, hehehehe. :p

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