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Betrayed by wife and brother??


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How do I deal with this ultimate betrayal by my brother and wife? She confessed to this last night,they even went so far as to involve both my SISTER and MOTHER into aiding them in hiding this 2 year affair with my wife. We have been married for 8 years, and dated for two. My brother is single and with no kids, so he has nothing to lose. We don't have any children at the moment


Every time I even think about her AND HIM, much less talk about her and my family, I am over-come with violent thoughts about THEM.



Any advice please??

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Two years? No children?


Sorry man, she has to go....


As for your family betraying you. That's deplorable. I don't know what to say.


What the hell is WRONG with some people!? And I say this in my glass house as a cheater - turning your whole family against you?! Ugh!

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You have my sympathy.


I'd permanently chop the whole lot of them out of your life. I permanently chopped out 3 of my sisters for meddling in my life and making up lies. What you have is far worse. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. For me thats very wrong and not forgivable.

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Two years? No children?


Sorry man, she has to go....


As for your family betraying you. That's deplorable. I don't know what to say.


What the hell is WRONG with some people!? And I say this in my glass house as a cheater - turning your whole family against you?! Ugh!

I NEVER understood why cheaters get all the sympathy SMMFGDH!!

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You have my sympathy.


I'd permanently chop the whole lot of them out of your life. I permanently chopped out 3 of my sisters for meddling in my life and making up lies. What you have is far worse. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. For me thats very wrong and not forgivable.

Thank you, but what did ur sisters do??

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How do I deal with this ultimate betrayal by my brother and wife? She confessed to this last night,they even went so far as to involve both my SISTER and MOTHER into aiding them in hiding this 2 year affair with my wife. We have been married for 8 years, and dated for two. My brother is single and with no kids, so he has nothing to lose. We don't have any children at the moment


Every time I even think about her AND HIM, much less talk about her and my family, I am over-come with violent thoughts about THEM.



Any advice please??


Divorce your wife. You have no kids with her so that's a blessing that little hearts won't be hurt. Sucks that the TWO people you trust most, betrayed you. As well as your own sister and mom. SHAME on them for not giving your bro crap and allowing this to continue right under your nose. I can't imagine feeling such betrayal by your whole family and wife. Sorry for your pain.


Get help, seek counseling this way you can grieve in a healthy way and not doing something that will land you in jail.

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My 3 sisters? There is one ring leader who got the other two to follow her. Two x's ago and 20 years ago, she was filling my X's head full of lies about me. Saying the same crap about my dad as well and saying I was just like him. X never said anything to me until we split. Then she mentioned it but I didn't believe her. Passed it off as just a dig against me. My guess is X didn't say anything cause she didn't believe it.


A new GF, hears all the same stuff. She doesn't know X or had any communication with her. Now I know it's true. They were too far away to confront in person so I did it via email. They wouldn't even respond. I had enough of that. I don't allow anyone to interfere in my life like that. They aren't family. I'm far better off without them. I still have 4 decent siblings left plus my parents.

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Divorce your wife. You have no kids with her so that's a blessing that little hearts won't be hurt. Sucks that the TWO people you trust most, betrayed you. As well as your own sister and mom. SHAME on them for not giving your bro crap and allowing this to continue right under your nose. I can't imagine feeling such betrayal by your whole family and wife. Sorry for your pain.


Get help, seek counseling this way you can grieve in a healthy way and not doing something that will land you in jail.

I got so mad that I cursed my mom and my sister out pretty bad ( It felt good at the time) I ended up screaming that "You two are nothing but some complete BITCHES!!! **** BOTH OF YALL!!!!". Now I'm not so sure if I should have said that to my mom at least.

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my 3 sisters? There is one ring leader who got the other two to follow her. Two x's ago and 20 years ago, she was filling my x's head full of lies about me. Saying the same crap about my dad as well and saying i was just like him. X never said anything to me until we split. Then she mentioned it but i didn't believe her. Passed it off as just a dig against me. My guess is x didn't say anything cause she didn't believe it.


A new gf, hears all the same stuff. She doesn't know x or had any communication with her. Now i know it's true. They were too far away to confront in person so i did it via email. They wouldn't even respond. I had enough of that. I don't allow anyone to interfere in my life like that. They aren't family. I'm far better off without them. I still have 4 decent siblings left plus my parents.


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That happened about 7 years ago and I have no regrets about it at all. No intention of ever speaking with them again. Family shouldn't treat you that way, nobody should.


Your family is in a very special place in your heart, betrayal by them is very hurtful. They have a lot of power to hurt you if they choose. luckily most don't.

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That happened about 7 years ago and I have no regrets about it at all. No intention of ever speaking with them again. Family shouldn't treat you that way, nobody should.


Your family is in a very special place in your heart, betrayal by them is very hurtful. They have a lot of power to hurt you if they choose.



What happened in your situation....since Im not getting a lot of advive on here...(maybe I should wait till after people get off??



Anyway Im going to see a lawyer before this week is out anyway.

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Get rid of the lot, your sister and mother chose your brother over you? Sorry man but you need to cut the anchor to your dysfunctional family and set sail to new and wonderful lands. There is nothing any of them can ever say to you that will be believable, other then maybe a head on collision with a train that caused major brain damage. Your so much better then all of this drama. Read up on the 180 and implement it immediately.

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It was just a pile of lies. Things like my sister telling my GF that she had to come check on her several times thru the night to make sure I haven't killed her in her sleep. Really crazy stuff. I've never laid a hand on a woman in my life, but I'm going to kill one while she's sleeping? Comeon.....


Said my dad abused my mom and treated her badly for years. Said I'm just like him. My dad is a decent person and always has been to the best of my knowledge. I've never seen him mistreat my mom. I'm not covering up anything, if my dad was who they describe, I wouldn't be defending him.


My parting shot was if I heard one more lie from either of them about me or my dad, I'd be serving all 3 of them with papers for court. I had all the evidence I needed for a slander case and I was willing to do it. All I have heard since were crickets.

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I got so mad that I cursed my mom and my sister out pretty bad ( It felt good at the time) I ended up screaming that "You two are nothing but some complete BITCHES!!! **** BOTH OF YALL!!!!". Now I'm not so sure if I should have said that to my mom at least.



Oh yes. She deserved that and much worse. She played favorites with her two sons and betrayed the married honest one to help the dishonest cheating son to boink your wife for two years!!


Divorce your wife and disown your disgusting family.

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O my friend I am so sorry. That is heartbreaking.


I vote with the rest of the posters. Divorce your wife and banish all of them from your life. For your mom and sister to have been parties to this is beyond betrayal. This is approaching on pure evil. Is your wife at all remorseful?


If I were you I would tell the whole neighborhood. Heck, tell everyone you know. Send out a mass e-mail to all relatives, friends and interested parties and let them know what scumbags your wife and family are.


What about your dad? What is his take on all this?

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What makes your wife think that you would ever accept this? Wonder why she fessed up now?



Yes a good question, why, and why now?

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OP, you were betrayed by your WW, sister, mom, and brother.

First time I ever heard of a quadruple betrayal. Time to divorce

your WW and go NC with your family.



Did your mom and sister justify why they betrayed you?



What has your brother/OM had to say since D day?

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How do I deal with this ultimate betrayal by my brother and wife? She confessed to this last night,they even went so far as to involve both my SISTER and MOTHER into aiding them in hiding this 2 year affair with my wife. We have been married for 8 years, and dated for two. My brother is single and with no kids, so he has nothing to lose. We don't have any children at the moment


Every time I even think about her AND HIM, much less talk about her and my family, I am over-come with violent thoughts about THEM.



Any advice please??


Why did your wife finally decide to come clean? What was her desired outcome?

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O my friend I am so sorry. That is heartbreaking.


I vote with the rest of the posters. Divorce your wife and banish all of them from your life. For your mom and sister to have been parties to this is beyond betrayal. This is approaching on pure evil. Is your wife at all remorseful?


If I were you I would tell the whole neighborhood. Heck, tell everyone you know. Send out a mass e-mail to all relatives, friends and interested parties and let them know what scumbags your wife and family are.


What about your dad? What is his take on all this?


My dad passed away in 2008.

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Divorce immediately and never look back. Your sister and mother are snakes. Nothing you said was unwarranted.

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Perhaps your wife confessed because your sister or mother gave her an ultimatum. This might be the only thing that redeems them. But honestly, a two-year aiding and abetting on their part? Cut them all out. There is no excuse for their collective behavior. Find decent people to spend your life with.

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Divorce immediately and never look back. Your sister and mother are snakes. Nothing you said was unwarranted.


And his wife and brother are snakes too...where can you rent a mongoose.

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Time for a reset button. Attorney first, job search next. If you're on the west coast move east or vice versa. Start a new life. Never accept an apology from them.


This is wrong on so many levels.

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