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Ex admitted to liking my sister when we were dating

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So my ex and I are best friends now. We decided after too many failed relationship attempts that we were better off as friends. The romantic feelings have died and we're purely platonic friends.


Anyways long story short he recently added my sister and has been trying to be friends with her. He told her he liked her during the summer and that was when we were dating.


I asked him about it and he read the message but didn't respond. I was so shocked and saddened that I blocked him (on just one platform so he can still contact me).


I'm not even sure what to do :(

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There's nothing to do but spend less time scrutinizing his online activities. Although you identify yourself as his friend, that doesn't seem very friendly.


Just because I can park in the street at the end of my friend's driveway and sit in the car to monitor his comings and goings, that doesn't mean I should do that, and it wouldn't be friendly at all.


Here's a bit of insight into human nature for you - people who are, at some point, romantically attracted to you are very likley to see some of the same attractive physical or other qualities in at least one of your same-sex siblings. You share a good deal of identical DNA with your sister; you have the exact same cultural upbringing; and you're close in age.


The attraction is natural. Your objection is equally natural, but be one or the other. Be his friend, or be jealous and upset about his interest in your sister. It's really an either/or proposition. Unless she's a serial killer and likely to do him harm, you can't be/do both.


My recommendation is that you should stop claiming that you and he are friends, "best friends" even. If you persist in that claim, you should to act like you really are.


A friend is someone who warms you with her presence, shares with you her secrets, and remembers you in her prayers. From your description, that doesn't describe even remotely your relationship to him now.

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So if you two are now JUST platonic friends, why does this bother you and why was he blocked? Is your sister interested in him too?

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I wouldn't want anyone I've dated in the past to try to get with my sister. I've had sex with this guy. My sister didn't know I dated him and when I told her she said she would delete him.


I actually found out about it because he told me and then my sister confirmed. I wouldn't mind if he dated anyone else I know but just not my family.

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"The romantic feelings have died and we're purely platonic friends."


Friends support each other, no matter what. You don't have to cheer them on, just don't try to separate them. Listen, if they like each other, you can't stand between them.


This os not purely platonic relationship, if you still feel sentiment, maybe you can't be friends.

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I hate it when guys do things like that. I guess she already knows, but if not, I wouldn't tell her. He probably figures that now he's told you, he can go ahead and date her and he may tell her "Oh, she knows and she's cool with it."


You know your sister better than anyone. If you end up forced to make any statement to her about it, my suggestion would be this: "Use your own judgment. Just don't come crying to me when he continues to try to get back together with me while you're dating him."

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