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kisses on the forehead

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It's all about the context to which it happned. Since you never gave us that, any reponses would be really pointless.



I'll rate my kiss senerios from lowest to highest:



ABSOLUTE LOWEST: Get arrested for drunken behaviour and wakened by inmate kissing me passionetly on forehead. nasty!


LOWEST: On first date, I go to kiss girl and she moves it quickly to my forehead to avoid having to kiss me.. BAD.


LOW: another man kissing me on forehead because our team won the superbowl. But couldn't a pat on the ass, or a high five, seemingly accomplished the same thing? I hope everyone else was as drunk as him.


BETTER: Grandma kissing me on forehead, not the same as girlfriend, but it's nice.


BEST: Kissing my wife on the forehead... It don't get no better!

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