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Am I doing the right thing ?

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Okay so when I was in high school I met this girl and we really hit off fast.. she ended up being my girlfriend for about about 8-9 months before I broke it off with her because we'd had both been unfaithful.. shortly after our breakup I was feeling great mind you I was 18 and she was 16 at the time.. the time went on and I found out she had a new guy. Me and her had discussed this guy on one account because he had told her that he would take her from me and I laughed about it. Me and her had a bad argument one night which led to her telling me she slept with someone else it wasn't the guy she's with now. And she only told me this after I told her I slept with two girls while she was pregnant with my twins. But the argument got really out of hand our parents got involved an everything and we hadn't talked in months. I played the field with a lot of girls but just none of them struck me like she had and even tho she did things in our relationship I didn't like I still loved her a lot. So January comes up and it's her birthday so I decided to give her a call and jus see how's she doing when we talked she made it seem as tho everything was great she told me how great her new bf was and all and I was happy for her but I called because I missed her. Two days later she ends up calling me and tells me about her new boyfriend and she didn't have anything good to say at all she said he barely spent time with her and she felt like she was being used so I told her she needs to do what she things is right. Some time went on and she would call me or comment on my Snapchat posts about stupid stuff. One time she called me crying about her father because he's an ******* but that's another story. But she did all this in the midst of her being in a relationship with the new guy. I ended up getting a girlfriend and that didn't sit very well with my ex I could tell because I put up a picture of my girlfriend and she put up a picture of her boyfriend directly after. After that I ran into her in person and she was telling me how she doesn't love this guy and he does nothing for her and how much of a better guy I am she kept asking about my girlfriend and how she wish she would've seen me when we were single and she feels stupid because she never gave herself time to heal after our breakup and she also asked me did I feel as tho I was missing something because we ended up getting an abortion. But just recently she called me to tell me about how he didn't defend her the right way and she didn't like it she also asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her but I declined but after our talk she told me that imma great guy and everything. So I messaged her in the morning to see how she was holding up and didn't get a response then later on that night she put up a post of them together. When I seen that I jus blocked her number because I feel as tho she's putting the burden of her relationship on me and I jus wonder if I'm wrong for doing so.. I forgot to mention I did try to get her back after I called her for her birthday I went thru a depression mode and everything and I still have deep feelings for this girl we have a strong history and also I'm 19 and she's 17. I jus need some insight from other people because I'm very confused

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You got a girl pregnant with twins, no less, when she was 16 & thereafter she had an abortion. While she was still pregnant & before you broke up you cheated on her twice.



Over the course of the next year while you were both dating other people you carried on what most on this board would call an emotional affair -- meaning you dated other people but turned to each other for talking, confiding, & comfort.



Because you are teenagers you had a whole bunch of BS drama over social media, & who posted pictures of whom etc.



Now you claim that you want her back because you love her & have strong feelings for her.



What a mess. You two could be an afterschool special. (Do they still have those?)



Where are your parents in all of this? If you do get back together what are your plans for safe sex to avoid another unplanned pregnancy?



Frankly I think you both have a lot of growing up to do but you might as well do it together given this tragic history you already share.



Finally, use paragraphs. It's impossible to read a wall of text.

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Lol she did things too but I was able to look past that and our parents well they don't really have a say but they would prefer we don't deal with eachother anymore. I jus wanna kno if I did the right thing by blocking her number because honestly it feels good to talk to her but I don't really care for it being about her bf whom she seems to always complain about and we're both in relationships so it really isn't fair to who we are dealing with especially if we're not gonna break it off with the new people in our lives

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Things between you will always be complicated. Pregnancy is a huge change catalyst even if you didn't have a child together.



If you are both in relationships with other people, stop talking to each other.



If you want to date her, break up with your GF & tell your EX what you want. She may not want the same thing. If she doesn't end things with her current BF to be with you, then you have your answer -- leave her alone.



Your idea that her parents don't get a say in who their 16, now 17 year old daughter dates is misguided at best. Your respective parents want the best for you both. If they think you being apart is for the best give their idea some credence.

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