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Hot chick at the front desk

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I hate this feeling. I wish it was something that I could erase from existence! I've never been a jealous person and lately it seems like every time I turn around, I AM!


My boyfriend has mentioned the "hot chick at the front desk" where he works several times. "I was talking to HCATFD today at luch and.... " or "HCATFD's boyfriend is out of town and I was giving her advice about how to deal with the ltr." Or "You should have seen HCATFD today...." This is no big deal. There are hot twenty year old girls at front desks everywhere. Hell, I'm attracted to the hot Fed Ex guy who comes into my office everyday. It's harmless because we're happy in our relationship and it's human to be attracted to people even if you never intend to persue it. BUT....


Last night he tells me that "Hot chick at the front desk" quit and he was really upset about it. Then he told me that he heard she had an interview somewhere else so he called her to see how it went. Ahem..... EXCUSE ME??? He called her? When did this exchange of cell phone numbers take place???? Why is he calling her? Why is he even talking to me about her? I don't know her! I don't care about her! I don't need to know about petty conversations that they have over the water cooler at work! But... it's not just at the water cooler. It's on the phone when he's driving home. He doesn't call her to chat when he's at home with me! What's going on here!?!?


And here's the thing that really gets to me about jealousy. I only feel it when I feel like I might be lacking somewhere. Maybe "Hot chick at the front desk" provides him with something that I'm not. Jealousy always leaves me wondering what's wrong with me.


I have an exceptional self esteem but every once in a while the green monster comes along and slugs me in the stomach. I HATE IT!

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A Fly onThe Wall
Originally posted by fudgit

Why is he calling her?


There is only ONE REASON for this .. No it's not that he is friends ..


He is calling her 'cuz he wants to bang her !!

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Originally posted by fudgit

And here's the thing that really gets to me about jealousy. I only feel it when I feel like I might be lacking somewhere. Maybe "Hot chick at the front desk" provides him with something that I'm not. Jealousy always leaves me wondering what's wrong with me.


I have an exceptional self esteem but every once in a while the green monster comes along and slugs me in the stomach. I HATE IT!


It's not jealousy that makes people feel lacking. It's the other way around. People get jealous because they feel lacking. And people feel that way for many reasons.


In this case, it's because your SO is giving significant amounts of attention to another woman, one who he admits to finding hot. The attention and praise he's giving this woman is what's making you feel like you're lacking something and don't measure up to her. The problem isn't you and your jealousy. It's his behavior.


People who are in relationships shouldn't get phone numbers from the hot girl/guy at the front desk and go on about how hot they are to their partner. You should ask him to stop contacting her. That's not an unreasonable demand, because they weren't friends before you started dating.

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Originally posted by A Fly onThe Wall

There is only ONE REASON for this .. No it's not that he is friends ..


He is calling her 'cuz he wants to bang her !!

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mopar crazy

I hate to tell you this but I would keep my eyes open. My H had an A w/ a co-worker that he talked about all the time too. A month b4 his A he called her, I found her # on the cell phone bill. When I asked him about it he said he called her to let her know I was upset he borrowed a cd from her and was going to return it the next day at work.


I have to agree w/ Fly on the wall. It sounds harsh but it's the truth. There is no reason why he needs to be calling this gal.

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It seems that talking to him about this worked. I couldn't get past the gnawing feeling that he was still talking to her behind my back, so I checked his phone and bill. Nothing. Well, unless she's calling him. But he hasn't called her and hasn't mentioned another word about her.


I'll keep my eyes open though.



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That's good to hear. Don't let yourself dwell on it though. Trust your boyfriend. If you can't trust him, there's no point in having the relationship.

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