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'Hope' and it's role in our lives and relationships

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So I've been struggling with a few different things in my life recently and when I think back on when I've been most energized/most excited about life, it has been at times of great HOPE. Finishing college, moving to a new city, starting a new relationship, etc. Even in my current stage of life, I'm hopeful about the things I want to do next.



This time of reflection has come as I've been trying to decide what to do about my relationship. My girlfriend is amazing and would like to get married, but I'm just not sure. When I think about our future, I realize that we will be very compatible and can work through life's problems. I recognize all of her great qualities as a woman. I'm not however, excited about the prospect of us getting married. The unknown aspects of our future life together don't give me the same sense of anticipation as other new chapters in life have made me feel. Does that mean our relationship is wrong? Or do I need to grow up and change my perspective?

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Quiet Storms

How old are you?


I'm not sure "hope" is the correct word. Hope is a feeling, whereas the things you described (finishing college, moving to a new city, etc) are actions that you took to make your life better. You didn't just sit around hoping those things would happen -- you made them happen. Perhaps (in my opinion) a better way to say it would be that you wanted certain things that made you feel positive about your future, so you took action to implement those things and it made you feel even more positive.


Regarding your relationship, I think that's fairly normal. Even when things are all good between you and you appreciate everything about her, you are putting yourself in the hands of another person (and vice versa). Whereas the rest of the things you listed are totally under your own control. I would give it some time and see if you don't feel differently down the road.

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