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Does anyone else have trouble attracting their "type"?

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Nearly 33 years into life I can say I haven't ever been able to attract anyone I actually wanted.

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Have you ever looked at men in real life - as opposed to photos? I've sometimes gotten bored and window shopped on dating sites for fun. Based on photos alone, I would have been attracted to very few. But when I was on a bus, I was imagining being single, and I would have given every guy who appeared to be in my age group a shot.


I think that photos aren't our friends sometimes


haha this is kind of true for me too!! When I'm on Tinder there are very few guys I find attractive but when I'm out and about in real life, on the subway etc I see so many average-looking but cute guys who I wouldn't mind going on a date with! I'm trying to wean myself off of apps and out there more in RL now...

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haha this is kind of true for me too!! When I'm on Tinder there are very few guys I find attractive but when I'm out and about in real life, on the subway etc I see so many average-looking but cute guys who I wouldn't mind going on a date with! I'm trying to wean myself off of apps and out there more in RL now...


Absolutely! It's much easier to get a feeling about a person and to be attracted by a person, than a photo.

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Absolutely! It's much easier to get a feeling about a person and to be attracted by a person, than a photo.


Which is a good reason to actually go out on MORE dates, even if you're kind of neutral about their looks from pics. Of course, if their pics are repulsive...Next!

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I have no type. I have fallen for scrawny men, fat men, bald men, nerdy men.....you catch my drift.




Bald guys are the best...especially if they shave that mess and embrace their baldness!

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Miss Spider
Which is a good reason to actually go out on MORE dates, even if you're kind of neutral about their looks from pics. Of course, if their pics are repulsive...Next!



Thats extremely time consuming, not to mention exhausting. I admire whoever is able to do that for their drive, but most have other priorities. Getting ready for a date in and of itself is exhausting, let alone going through the motions of one.


Like lotus, my physical type is a particular brand of unconventionally attractive. I guess most would consider this in the "average" category. In real life I'm much more likely to go outside this! Usually a guy has a lot more things he can use to his advantage(on certain women) to catch her interest than he has online.

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