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Two years passed

i am gutted

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i am gutted

Been a while since i have been on here and i find myself reading threads that remind me of me.

A lot has happened. Still separated but last month he told me he still loves me and did say sorry. He still in his new relationship by the way.

I tild him i know more of what he did and he didnt have much to say to that.... the look on his face was enuff.

I replied and said that i have always loved him and probably always will and i find myself mixed up. I hate what he did.....still havent been able to hate him. If i did i truly think that it would be so much easier.

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Yeah that's the strange thing about love. When you love someone you pour yourself into them and expend enormous amounts of energy into them. All of that investment of yourself can be blinding. With such a huge investment it is difficult to believe that it could be wrong that it is a waste. It becomes difficult to see and believe that anything but the desired result is possible.


In talking to my WW today I put out the thought, the question that if I had known the pain that was in store for me would I have even married her. If I had known how much effort and soul searching and looking though one ugly truth after another would be required to renew our marriage would I have picked divorce instead? Those thought, while painful, allowed me to really examine what I wanted.


I only made a brief scan of your threads and it looks like there is a whole lot of hurt there. I am sorry that you are experiencing that. No one deserves that kind of treatment.

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i am gutted

Yep a lot of hurt. A long time together and i thought i gave my all.

Obviously not.


I do miss him still and moreso now.

I havent had another relationship...a little too scared to really and maybe really havent got over him?


One day......

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You really need to bite the bullet and move on.

You need to stop seeing him, as this just resets your healing time back to ZERO.

Just like snakes and ladders. We know who the snake was..

So, start back on the ladder, and stop sliding back to the start.

Yeah, it hurts, yeah, is bad, yeah, yeah yeah (The beetles:rolleyes: ).

Anyway, look forward to a NEW start, not a rerun.. Oh LUCY !.






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Been a while since i have been on here and i find myself reading threads that remind me of me.

A lot has happened. Still separated but last month he told me he still loves me and did say sorry. He still in his new relationship by the way.

I tild him i know more of what he did and he didnt have much to say to that.... the look on his face was enuff.

I replied and said that i have always loved him and probably always will and i find myself mixed up. I hate what he did.....still havent been able to hate him. If i did i truly think that it would be so much easier.


Two years later and I and many others do not remember your




He cheated.

He's with her.



So why are you not NC with him?

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Thank.u all.

Im trying to use my head and not heart.



You're heart and maybe some small sliver of hope will just keep you in limbo hell.


Hard 180 no contact is your friend

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There's a buffet near where I live. Buffets are never good for my weight loss goals lol. To top it off... Every time I eat there I'm disappointed in the food doesn't taste as good as I'd like. Even a shopping mall Chinese wok place is better.


Sometimes when I'm super hungry and driving by it I still think 'hmmm...' then I think ' I know I'll be disappointed and unhealthy. But... Should I give it another try? It could be better now. ...'


But it never is better. And it never will be more than what it is.


Lol and that's just a restaurant.


Now my wife stabbed me in the back too. I'm giving her a second chance on account of the kids. But that's all she gets. If she could see the pain she caused me and do it again? Well I think that'd make her a real life monster. Without the kids there's no way in he'll she'd have a second chance to stab me.


I guess I'm kinda rambling here lol. Just saying that you pawned some costume jewelry off. It may have looked pretty good when you first found it at the flea market but it wasn't the real thing. The real thing doesn't leave a nasty rash on you when you take it off. And if you wouldn't even consider giving something like that to a friend why would you ever put it back on?


Man, maybe that doesn't make sense either lol. How about... 'you're better off without him leaching on your soul like a plague-carrying vampire harpy' ?

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