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Define Sweet

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I always hear this term bated around. So what in your mind = sweet personality wise when you are dating. Is it an important trait to have. Whats the big deal if a person is sweet or not.


For me. I can't even think of being with a woman if she is not sweet.


Sweet = to me. Being pleasant nice easy going and putting in action. Caring thought towards you when you interact.

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Miss Spider

Basically exactly as you said. Nice, caring, considerate, thoughtful. If the guy isn't sweet he's not attractive to me, period.

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Once again Sweet to me, means being light hearted, good listener. Showing interest in you. Complementing you. Caring about your well being.


I find that the average woman is more self centered and act like you have to impress them to death within a romantic context. I am not trying to be negative. Thats just the experiance of myself and male friends.

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