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time together

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u know how u guys always talk about not spending too much time together, so they can miss u, etc? ... well, that applies to long-term relationships too, right??


problem o'er here then: my bf includes me into ALL plans of his ... and he's often annoyed that i don't (ie i'll go out w/ friend & not invite him) ...


what can i say to him to balance it out? i have said before that i believe in a healthy relationship, both sides have a social life besides the relationship itself ...



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Whether he invites you everywhere isn't really the problem, the problem is when YOU accept every invitation. Next time he asks you to join him with his friends or his family, tell him to go ahead and hang out with the guys without you.


Just be upfront and honest with him, and tell him that he should do things without you all the time and live his own life. Tell him how you feel and what you described here. Tell him how you want a healthy balance in this relationship. If you don't have a problem communicating with him, I'm sure you won't have a problem being open and telling him about this.


Good luck!

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Hi sparkle


Thanks... so it isn't a conspiracy after all =)


The problem is - I HAVE told him ...


but he doesn't really go out without me much. If he wants to go somewhere, he'll wait until i'm available and go with me. the only other person he makes plans with is his sister, but if he invites me & i'm busy, he doesn't go with her ...


he has friends... mostly programmers, and they talk thru internet and stuff... it bothers me a bit ... but i can't and dont want to control that part of his life...


Thanks for your response anyway...

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