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two timing?

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met this girl in Jan. and spent several weeks developing a relationship before she went back home overseas. We did not have sex. We communicate often and she has expressed her desire to see me again and even move up here (she has a house here). She always asks me if I have been behaving which I interpret as "are you seeing other women?"


I have several women here interested in me but the girl overseas is my top priority. She is ambigous about when she will return. I don't want to keep waiting not knowing when she will come back and if we will be together. What do I do? The other women also want answers.


I don't want to sound desperate with this girl. I believe in showing just enough interest in the beginning to keep it challenging for her but I want to know what she wants. I know long distance relationships suck - been there before but I'm giving this one a chance 'cause she has a house here and can move up fairly easily.



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YOU ASK: "What do I do? The other women also want answers."


Start seeing other people. You have no commitment to her whatsoever. All you have from her so far is hot, "ambigouous" air and promises. If you haven't found another love interest if and when she gets back to your area, you can get together with her then.


Basing your fondness for somebody on a couple of weeks with them is not something you want to do. Unfortunately, your courtship was interupted. Maybe it would have lasted a few days more or a lifetime, who knows. But the past is the past and you can't live in it. Move forward.


YOU WRITE: "but I'm giving this one a chance 'cause she has a house here and can move up fairly easily."


You said in your first sentence that she went back home overseas. She must be pretty rich to have another home where you are as well. And it that's the case, you can bet she's got a boyfriend overseas as well. So she may want to keep you on a string here and another guy on a string overseas.


In any case, waiting for somebody just because they have a house wherever is a pretty lame excuse for shutting your life down and crawling into a hole. Wake up and see how you are allowing yourself to be manipulated and played like a fiddle. Be a MAN and stop being a sucker. Call those others ladies and go out with one or more of them this weekend...yes, even tonight.

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