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Bad relationship vs Nothing!

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If you have a choice of bad relationship (whatever you define bad is) vs no relationship at all,which one do you pick? Do you choose to have bad relationship because you think at least you have something and something bad is better than nothing at all or you will drop it because it is just unbearable?

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YOU ASK: "If you have a choice of bad relationship (whatever you define bad is) vs no relationship at all,which one do you pick?"


The most absolute heinous, desolate, painful, excruciating, dark, pitiful case of loneliness is not even a small fraction as bad as being in a bad relationship.


Love yourself and enjoy your own company and you will always be happy. If you find someone who compliments your relationship with yourself, fine. Otherwise, be happy alone.


I hope this helps you. Others may have a somewhat different opinion. There are a lot of people who go bonkers if they don't have people around them. I like the right people around, otherwise I prefer to be by myself.


You really can't have a great relationship with someone else until you perfect your relationship with yourself. Conversely, if you are content with being in a bad relationship with someone else, it's because your relationship with yourself is pathetic.

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Miss Mojo

...gimme NOTHING!!!


i was once in the position of settling for a very bad relationship, when i should have settled for nothing. staying in a bad relationship only created for me intense feelings of insecurity, enormous unhappiness, health problems and financial setbacks (i spent a lot of money because i was depressed. spending made me feel better).


ask yourself, why in heaven's name would someone do that to themselves? it was the crappiest moment of my entire life, yet i had no one to blame but myself for putting up with it. did i mention your self-respect also goes down the drain?


in a nutshell, it was easy to see what kind of situation i was in, and what others put themselves in. it's a vicious circle where you don't respect yourself enough and love yourself enough to seek the happiness you deserve through healthly outlets. it is not healthy to stay in a bad relationship. it doesn't get any better, it only gets worse. you are not going to attract a good, healthy relationship if you are in a crappy one.


i posted a response earlier to mon, regarding the fact that there is happiness after heartache, and part of my response stated how happy i am being a single chicky right now. i have experienced the relationship from hell, and i have experienced life as a singledom. and i am *soooo* happy being on my own right now. life's too short to put up with crap again.


for those people who don't feel like somebody unless they are with somebody, please take a long hard look inside yourself and ask yourself why you feel this way, and why you feel you don't deserve some time on your own to find a wonderful relationship. honestly, you will never experience a wonderful relationship until you can experience a single, wonderful you. so don't put up with a crappy relationship - it's self-defeating and a waste of your own precious time.

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