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need advice on what to do about a m8 looking like more than a m8

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ok i realy need some advice here guys and girls


ok so i had a party for ppl at work and the ppl i wantd came and it was great


however the bad side is that rumours about me and a girl at work have started to be spread and apparently we would make a good couple etc etc u get the gist of it yeah


well we decided to give tehm somthign to talk about so we huged stayed close generaly were rather intimate at the party ened up sleeping each others arms on the sofa


so yeah i was enjoying it cos well we were a bit drunk


thing is i am now starting to feel a lot stronger feelings than just good m8s u know what i mean


well i duno what to do basically because shes a good m8 and i realy am not that good looking by 99% of ppls standards then when i say this to her she says dont be silly i like personality more any way and she says i have a great masive personality and so does she and well shes joing the RAF in about a month so even if i do say somthing shes guna be away a lot


so basically what do u guys and girls think i should do i think i covered everything so let me know i am desperate

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Sal Paradise

Ok for starters.....


I assume m8 = mate, is mate that difficult to type? Its a whole two clicks more. Seriously that is annoying.



I think you should tell how you feel. The friendship isn't going to be the same and you will just end up hurt. If you wait to tell her she will eventually dating someone else and you will get hurt. Tell her now how you feel. That you want more. That it hurts too much to be around her and not be with her.


The friendship is pretty much over when one of the two has feelings for the other. So don't worry about risking the friendship. It can't last like this anyways. There is a good chance she may feel the same way but be prepared for the worse. If she says she just wants to stay friends tell her you can't do that, it hurts too much. And that seeing her date someone else would kill you.


This will make her either realize she wants you or you will both go your seperate ways. Either is better than being her lap dog.

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