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cheating fiancee

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I have been with Bill for 3 yr.sLately i have a really strong feeling that he's cheating.Everytime we get into a fight he leaves home for 2 or 3 days.Doesn't call me at all at night when hes gone and always gives me lame excuses about where he was for instance I slept in my car,come on for 3 nights in the cold??? He swears hes never cheated but ive also been getting alot of hangup calls lately.How can I catch him he's good at covering his tracks.

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I have been with Bill for 3 yr.sLately i have a really strong feeling that he's cheating.Everytime we get into a fight he leaves home for 2 or 3 days.Doesn't call me at all at night when hes gone and always gives me lame excuses about where he was for instance I slept in my car,come on for 3 nights in the cold??? He swears hes never cheated but ive also been getting alot of hangup calls lately.How can I catch him he's good at covering his tracks.
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If you have feelings that he's cheating...then he probably is.A woman's intuition on that particuliar subject is a very strong tool. Do a little detective work just for your own peace of mind. Otherwise he may just convince you that youre crazy. Get a caller ID box for those hang up calls, and check his belongings when he returns from his "days away". If he's cheating, sooner or later he'll slip up. Men are great at that.The most important thing is that if he is cheating, you find out ASAP, that way you can realize that you deserve better, and move on.
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These fights you're having lately, does it seem like he's TRYING to start fights?..so that he has a reason to leave? I once dated a guy years ago...he was cheated, and he was a compulsive lying a**h***. He would go out of his way to pick a fight with me, over absolutely nothing.....then he'd have a perfect reason to "leave." Took me a while to catch on to it, cuz I was only 19 and he was my first serious boyfriend.


How old is Bill?


So you 2 obviously live together?


These 2-3 days he's gone for......are they during the week or mostly on weekends or does it vary?


Hangups are significant, for sure. When I was married, my hubby was cheating......and though I didn't know it, we often got lots of hangup calls, late at night......I'd always make sure to answer the phone, but they'd just say nothing or hangup. Finally, when Caller ID came out (this was back in 1993), I decided "enough of this crap!"....so I ordered a caller ID thingy. Well, imagine my surprise, when we GOT it, these calls coincidentally stopped. Guess he musta told his galpal to lay off.


Take it from someone who's been cheated on before......if it's at the point where you strongly suspect your guy is cheating, and he's giving you lame/unbelievable excuses, is staying away for days at a time (um, doesn't this guy work??), then it's best to just end it now......you truly don't need 100% proof.......your gut instinct is telling you that something's up, the signs are definitely there.


If it were me, the next time he leaves, get the locks changed, throw his sh*t out on the front lawn and never look back.


It's possible that for some reason (um, like he's met someone else), he doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore....but he doesn't know how to tell you.....so he's a) being a dick so that you'll dump him...or...b) he's giving you clear signs that he's seeing someone else, because he's too coward to tell you/hopes you'll dump him.


Whatever you do, do NOT sleep with him......god only knows where his dick has been.


Let us know how it goes.



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These fights you're having lately, does it seem like he's TRYING to start fights?..so that he has a reason to leave? I once dated a guy years ago...he was cheated, and he was a compulsive lying a**h***. He would go out of his way to pick a fight with me, over absolutely nothing.....then he'd have a perfect reason to "leave." Took me a while to catch on to it, cuz I was only 19 and he was my first serious boyfriend. How old is Bill? So you 2 obviously live together? These 2-3 days he's gone for......are they during the week or mostly on weekends or does it vary? Hangups are significant, for sure. When I was married, my hubby was cheating......and though I didn't know it, we often got lots of hangup calls, late at night......I'd always make sure to answer the phone, but they'd just say nothing or hangup. Finally, when Caller ID came out (this was back in 1993), I decided "enough of this crap!"....so I ordered a caller ID thingy. Well, imagine my surprise, when we GOT it, these calls coincidentally stopped. Guess he musta told his galpal to lay off. Take it from someone who's been cheated on before......if it's at the point where you strongly suspect your guy is cheating, and he's giving you lame/unbelievable excuses, is staying away for days at a time (um, doesn't this guy work??), then it's best to just end it now......you truly don't need 100% proof.......your gut instinct is telling you that something's up, the signs are definitely there. If it were me, the next time he leaves, get the locks changed, throw his sh*t out on the front lawn and never look back. It's possible that for some reason (um, like he's met someone else), he doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore....but he doesn't know how to tell you.....so he's a) being a dick so that you'll dump him...or...b) he's giving you clear signs that he's seeing someone else, because he's too coward to tell you/hopes you'll dump him. Whatever you do, do NOT sleep with him......god only knows where his dick has been. Let us know how it goes. Laurynn
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These fights you're having lately, does it seem like he's TRYING to start fights?..so that he has a reason to leave? I once dated a guy years ago...he was cheated, and he was a compulsive lying a**h***. He would go out of his way to pick a fight with me, over absolutely nothing.....then he'd have a perfect reason to "leave." Took me a while to catch on to it, cuz I was only 19 and he was my first serious boyfriend. How old is Bill? So you 2 obviously live together? These 2-3 days he's gone for......are they during the week or mostly on weekends or does it vary? Hangups are significant, for sure. When I was married, my hubby was cheating......and though I didn't know it, we often got lots of hangup calls, late at night......I'd always make sure to answer the phone, but they'd just say nothing or hangup. Finally, when Caller ID came out (this was back in 1993), I decided "enough of this crap!"....so I ordered a caller ID thingy. Well, imagine my surprise, when we GOT it, these calls coincidentally stopped. Guess he musta told his galpal to lay off. Take it from someone who's been cheated on before......if it's at the point where you strongly suspect your guy is cheating, and he's giving you lame/unbelievable excuses, is staying away for days at a time (um, doesn't this guy work??), then it's best to just end it now......you truly don't need 100% proof.......your gut instinct is telling you that something's up, the signs are definitely there. If it were me, the next time he leaves, get the locks changed, throw his sh*t out on the front lawn and never look back. It's possible that for some reason (um, like he's met someone else), he doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore....but he doesn't know how to tell you.....so he's a) being a dick so that you'll dump him...or...b) he's giving you clear signs that he's seeing someone else, because he's too coward to tell you/hopes you'll dump him. Whatever you do, do NOT sleep with him......god only knows where his dick has been. Let us know how it goes. Laurynn


Laurynn, Now that you mention it he does provoke alot of the fights we have. He leaves at different times not only on weekends but it's always after 2or 3 weeks it's a pattern,I know what you are saying is right but it"s hard to end it without proof, I want to believe more than anything that i'm wrong abouthim. He was so sweet when I met him.Please tell me how I can catch him,I know then I would be able to end it. D.J.

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These fights you're having lately, does it seem like he's TRYING to start fights?..so that he has a reason to leave? I once dated a guy years ago...he was cheated, and he was a compulsive lying a**h***. He would go out of his way to pick a fight with me, over absolutely nothing.....then he'd have a perfect reason to "leave." Took me a while to catch on to it, cuz I was only 19 and he was my first serious boyfriend. How old is Bill? So you 2 obviously live together? These 2-3 days he's gone for......are they during the week or mostly on weekends or does it vary? Hangups are significant, for sure. When I was married, my hubby was cheating......and though I didn't know it, we often got lots of hangup calls, late at night......I'd always make sure to answer the phone, but they'd just say nothing or hangup. Finally, when Caller ID came out (this was back in 1993), I decided "enough of this crap!"....so I ordered a caller ID thingy. Well, imagine my surprise, when we GOT it, these calls coincidentally stopped. Guess he musta told his galpal to lay off. Take it from someone who's been cheated on before......if it's at the point where you strongly suspect your guy is cheating, and he's giving you lame/unbelievable excuses, is staying away for days at a time (um, doesn't this guy work??), then it's best to just end it now......you truly don't need 100% proof.......your gut instinct is telling you that something's up, the signs are definitely there. If it were me, the next time he leaves, get the locks changed, throw his sh*t out on the front lawn and never look back. It's possible that for some reason (um, like he's met someone else), he doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore....but he doesn't know how to tell you.....so he's a) being a dick so that you'll dump him...or...b) he's giving you clear signs that he's seeing someone else, because he's too coward to tell you/hopes you'll dump him. Whatever you do, do NOT sleep with him......god only knows where his dick has been. Let us know how it goes. Laurynn
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I understand what you are saying,and I know you are probably right.I have invested 3 years of my life into this guy.I do need proof 100%.He does provoke alot of fights.In my heart I pretty much know whats going on but for my peace of mind I have to know for sure. Do you have any ideas on how I can catch him??? He knows that I'm suspiscious so I need a new plan D.J.



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