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Bf uncomfortable with my Pseudo"Number"

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Originally posted by Cecelius

Wait, isn't this the guy who cheated on you?

I forgot about this! :eek:


He's either a jerk or a really really insecure person. Tell him to start a therapy if it's the latter. If not, kick him out.

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i todl my ex the exact same thing. that i was with 6 guys. and he CLAIMS he has only been with 2 girls other then me...

my ex thought 6 was 'whorish'. if he knew i was with a couple more then that man, he'd drag my name in the mud. plain and simple. if he stayed with you after u telling him the #6, and he stilldoesnt like it, then thats his issue. not urs. i know how u mean about 'he cant handle the truth'. my ex was the same and i hated it. i was scared to tell him some things about me. but he had NOOOO problem telling me his scandalous past...and ew btw!! and i excepted it!

if this mofo cheated on u, thene veryone in here is right. he has NO right to judge ur past what so ever!! hes the scum who messed around while he was with you. thats sick and buddy needs to grow up and look at HIS sad life for once and not dwell on urs.

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Originally posted by laRubiaBonita

he throws it in my face at times. He has only been with 2 other girls besides me.


but i do not want him to judge me, like he does


I hate these wanna-have-a-good-girl type of guys. If he judges you, if he dares to, then he's not for you. It's already done. He asked (and didn't have a right to) and you answered. So there... he can accept it and not like it, but should never mention it to you. The fact that he does is like trying to make you feel guilty, easy, cheap, dirty...whatever. He wants to control you and make you "remorse" and feel bad about your 8.5 guys. Sounds to me like he's ready to cheat on any woman and he needs excuses to justify his twisted morality.

Believe me even if you said you had 2 guys, he would say to you that it's too many. Or he would feel sorry for not being able to nag in that case. Don't let him make you feel like you've had too many. You can't change him, but you can replace him. Who is he to judge you?

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Grinning Maniac

Listen goofball, either tell him the truth once and for all, or just leave. He cheats, you lie. You two are on a pretty level playing field. This is really a little stupid. If he has a tendancy to throw things back at you, what good did it do to lie about this *twice*? If you had just told the truth in the first place, he still may have initially brought it up, but by now it would certainly be old hat. Instead, you two have this tug of war going on. What was the point?


Is this like "Clerks", and you've blown 36 other guys or something? Just tell him the truth. Bring it up on your own, and not during the middle of a fight. Tell him the truth then make a deal with him. He stops mentioning your "number" and you won't start bringing up the fact that he cheated on you...





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Wow! I didn't even know he cheated on you when I posted... He sounded like a potential cheater, but now i see that he already is one...


LRB, I see you in the future laughing at yourself that you could ever be in love with guy. You deserve better, hun. :)

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Originally posted by RecordProducer

I hate these wanna-have-a-good-girl type of guys. If he judges you, if he dares to, then he's not for you. It's already done. He asked (and didn't have a right to) and you answered. So there... he can accept it and not like it, but should never mention it to you. The fact that he does is like trying to make you feel guilty, easy, cheap, dirty...whatever. He wants to control you and make you "remorse" and feel bad about your 8.5 guys. Sounds to me like he's ready to cheat on any woman and he needs excuses to justify his twisted morality.

Believe me even if you said you had 2 guys, he would say to you that it's too many. Or he would feel sorry for not being able to nag in that case. Don't let him make you feel like you've had too many. You can't change him, but you can replace him. Who is he to judge you?


I agree he shouldn't judge -- if he doesn't like it, he shouldn't date her. And I agree he shouldn't have asked not because its not his business but because unless he knows something by reputation or stories he's heard, its better to just let it be. But she lied to him and no matter what the number as a man you don't get lied to, and especially not for a patronizing reason like "he couldn't handle it".


However, he cheated on her, and he's still pals with the girl, so I think he loses all battles on that one.

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A Fly onThe Wall
Originally posted by Mr.positive

you were both wrong


Huh ?

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Originally posted by laRubiaBonita

so i had originally told my bf i had only slept with 3 other guys, then he asked again, and i said double that.


He says it is "ok", but he throws it in my face at times. He has only been with 2 other girls besides me.


In actuality, i have slept with more than 6 guys. I feel bad for not telling him the truth, but i do not want him to judge me, like he does, and that i had known he would.



Men can be so stupid!!!!! He is only hurt because it's more than him. Don't even get into it anymore just let it be!

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Originally posted by ~Naive~

Men can be so stupid!!!!! He is only hurt because it's more than him. Don't even get into it anymore just let it be!


No, he's hurt because he's immature and weak (that was proved by simultaneously cheating AND b1tching her out about her number, and for asking her the number in the first place).


He is angry because she lied, and once there's a lie about that, it';s easy to assume that the second answer is a lie too.


The first one is his problem. The second one he's justified in being suspicious.

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I was wondering LB --- Does he only bring up the "numbers" issue when you are discussing (or getting close to discussing) his former "cheating" incident? :confused:


Sometimes it's a guilty conscience that breeds suspicion and paranoia. Perhaps he's creating a smoke screen to divert attention away from his own actions…or keeping score in an attempt to level the playing field because he knows you've got one over on him.


Either way, your sexual history has nothing whatsoever to do with your current relationship. Whatever your "numbers"…you were with these people before you met him, and not during. Therefore, it was never your intention to hurt, insult, betray or disrespect him personally. Whatever his hang-up, it's of his own making.


Meanwhile, THIS cad added a notch to his belt while he was supposedly in a relationship with you. That knife was plunged directly into your back while it was turned and there is no excuse to justify why he deliberately hurt you like that. Although I imagine he's still trying to invent one…even if he has to go into your past to dig one up.


Isn't it funny how even dishonest people can't stand being dealt with dishonestly…whether real or imagined??? :rolleyes:


Don't know why you're still with this a$$clown, I think you deserve better. But if you love him, than you love him. I just hope that one day you find a real man who'll turn your head around and you'll finally discover what it's like to be treated with the honesty and respect that every human being deserves. :(

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