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How can some parents be so stupid


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A couple I know allowed a "friend" back into their lives and even staying overnight on the weekends in their home where their adult daughter also lived and had been staying clean for a few years. This "friend" had been in and out of incarceration for 7 years because of his drug addiction. Their adult daughter had been a recovering addict for a few years and was doing well until the "friend" came back into the picture. I cannot comprehend why a parent would risk their child's soberity by allowing a "friend" into their home when he has problems with alcohol and drugs. The only thing I can think of is the couple like having a drinking buddy around so they allowed him back into their lives instead of putting theie daughter's soberity first. I don't the dynamic of alcohol and drug addiction. There was some obvious codependency going on. It's really sad from what I've seen and heard. Eventually, it all came crashing down with the daughter using drugs again and the "friend" had been arrested again

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I don't the dynamic of alcohol and drug addiction. There was some obvious codependency going on. It's really sad from what I've seen and heard. Eventually, it all came crashing down with the daughter using drugs again and the "friend" had been arrested again


Every recovering addict will tell you temptation is everywhere so it's hard to tie relapse to a specific event. While it certainly seems like poor parental judgement, I think it's a stretch to connect the dots in the cut-and-dry way you've presented this...


Mr. Lucky

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Allowing someone into the house with their adult daughter isn't exactly like allowing a known child molester to share a bedroom with their minor child daughter.


Regarding stupidity, there's no monopoly on it, and we're all guilty of it. Albert Einstein said: "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."

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Miss Clavel

it's her decision to pick up and use. her's alone.


yes, it's stupid to put anyone in her path, on purpose, that is a bad influence. but she must know that she has to be careful of her own sobriety.

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