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Marriage has little to no sex life...WHATSOEVER!


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Hi guys,

When my wife and I first got together, the sex was absolutely great! We were always wanting to try new things, play games, and even use toys from time to time to keep it interesting... However soon after we got married, the topic of having a child came up...often. Eventually, I began to think that it would be great to have a child of my own, to raise and to love. We tried for three months... I mean, we tried a lot... my wife wanted to have sex three times a day, quickies when I came home for lunch, etc, etc... I thought it was great! It seemed like the moment we got pregnant, our sex life slowed down, a WHOLE lot. Now don't get me wrong, my wife has, on occasion, put on something lacy, and lit a few candles, and we do have sex...but it is way too few and far in between... sometimes once a week, most times once or twice every two or three weeks.


Sex is very important for me in this marriage, I have explained that to her, time and time again with the utmost respect and such. It also seems as if I'm the only one who has ever done the communicating as well. I had a talk with her about a week ago about our sex life...and she agreed, it is dull, and the act of it, is few and far between, yet she still does nothing to change it... I constantly have been getting rejected since my wife's pregnancy, and I don't mean to sound like a stereo typical guy (meaning always thinking nothing more but sex), but the absolute stress from having no sex life (b/c it is a serious thing to me, as in, it's much more than just getting off) has taken its toll, time and time again. She doesn't understand how I could get angry or feel unloved or whatever I am at the moment, b/c of our lack of sex life. What do you guys think?? We've been married for over two years, and most of it has been a total lack of our intimate/private life?? I mean, sometimes I think walking would just be so much easier than constantly fighting what seems to be a losing battle.


Any suggestions?? And yes, by the way, we've already been to marriage counseling.

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First, you have a small child and life does get in the way. Counselling may help, there are great self help books, you both have to realize that you have different wants and expectations and you both need to try to meet each others needs. You also both need to be able to communicate those needs. Take you time, talk, read, it will get better.



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