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Boyfriend and Alcohol

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My boyfriend used to be in the army and used to drink with his buddies. Now he is in college and is a resident assistant, he's is not supposed to have alcohol in his room but yesterday i found in his fridge a bottle of Bacardi and he also he told he has this expensive irish mist in his closet. I was a little bit dissapointed because i'm not use to see this.In my house we drink once in a while but we don't have bottles of liquor. He said that if it bothers me he will stop buying alcohol but i told him that i'm not telling him what to do. He said he misses going out with his buddies for a few drinks but now that he's working hard he doesn't have time and he rathers drink in the commodity of his room. I would like to know about when a person becomes an alcoholic? Is he drinking sensibly? When is normal and when is not? Please advice!

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A little bit of alcohol now and then is just fine ... lots of people have a glass of red wine every single day ... I don't see any problem as long as it doesn't get out of control - the most important part is to know when to stop & not get too drunk...


A little bit is just fine, believe me - it relieves stress, puts u in a better mood, and is good for the heart (they say)...


why don't u drink a bit too? u might wanna go for light cocktails, esp. at first. .. maybe yr bf knows how to make those well? it's a whole art =)


have fun but stay alert...!


good luck.

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