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How to stay positive when single, and no luck at dates?

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I've been using Tinder for a while, and after a failed date 2 weeks ago, I've been swiping and just no luck for a good conversation. I either lose interest, or the conversation just doesn't seem to be flowing.


I know this might just be a phase, but how do you guys stay positive when you're single?


I feel like I've been failing at dates so many times, and I'm so tired of the same routine - meet a person- talk - date- failed date/no chemistry/no spark.It seems like it's harder to meet someone with that "spark" now since I've dated some people.


I'm 27f, dated around 20 people (including 2 bf, others were meh, or ones that failed).


Just want some positivity from you guys :)

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take a break, focus on yourself and widen your social network.



rinse and repeat.



a new relationship will come and you'll be wondering when you can get some 'me' time again :)

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Pick a different dating platform. Tinder isn't exactly known for helping you find "good conversation." Try Bumble.

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Don't wait for a partner to go do all the things you want to do. Travel if you can, take up new hobbies, move on and live a full life. It's really only the people who put these things off until they're coupled out that are missing out the biggest. And the irony is that the more you go live your life and move forward doing the things you love to do, the more likely to find that person who shares your interests.

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Tinder isn't the best if you're looking for substance and a relationship. I would suggest Bumble or Coffee Meets Bagel because people on those apps seem much more serious and genuine about meeting someone.

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Tinder sucks, it's hard to get to know someone based on only a few pictures and a short and stupid asss bio which hardly says anything about the person. Do it the old fashioned way, approach guys on the street.

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