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Ok well i had a boyfriend for a year and a half, and even though we are young we were serious, i guess you could say he was my first love, but about a week ago i just broke up with him, we have been fighting all the time and he was snooping through all my things, like my phone and stuff and kept telling me he didnt trust me


after we broke up we just stopped talking which was weird because we talked everyday, but i started to hang out with some other guy ( i know it happened all so quickly but hey im young lol ) and for the past 2 weeks weve been hanging out, and well in a lot of ways i think he's a pretty chill and cool guy, really down to earth, but then he has his downfalls, major downfalls, but i seem to have so much fun when im with him, oh yeah and hes gorgeous lol, not at all like my ex boyfriend


I dont know if maybe im rushing a little and just getting swept up in a new relationship or if maybe i should give him a try what could i loose .. idk..

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A Fly onThe Wall

what are his major down falls ??



You most likely haven't healed yet.. but there is nothing wrong with getting right back on the horse that threw you .. Just go into with open eyes and don't get swept away by your intense feelings..

Some of those feelings can be coming from the fact that you are still healing ..


Good luck

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Depends on what you and he want to happen with this situation. A casual fling or something leading perhaps to marriage? And it depends on what his downfalls are. A good looking face is by no means a guarantee that he will be a good partner - and right now your hormones may be, no will be, misleading you.


As to what you can lose? Your sanity, and that is no joke. What are his downfalls?

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well his downfalls is that he has like racial views that are completely different from mine, and some of his friends are skinheads and he was offended when i didnt want to hang out with his friends, he's not a skinhead , its sorta confusing lol, i dont want a serious relationship with him, im just having a lot of fun and it feels good but i dont think he wants a serious realtionship either

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A Fly onThe Wall
Originally posted by MiniTia4Life

well his downfalls is that he has like racial views that are completely different from mine,


Racial views can be a deal breaker..


I dated a girl last year that used to use the N word all the time and looked down on people less fortunate than herself.


She worked as a rad tech on babies and children and would talk about the mothers of the people she worked on as if she was better than they were. as well as make fun of young kids because of their color.

anybody in her life.. neighbors and friends got the treatment


It was awful and it turned me off to the point that every time she said something racial or demeaning I just shut my mouth and later decided I didn't want to be with someone that selfish.


You not liking his friends isn't all that bad though..You can't be expected to like everyone he knows.


It sounds like you have your head screwed on straight

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