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please read need help for tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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well i just want to keep you informed of what is going on now. last friday we went out and we were at this club and he was all over me the entire nighthe bought me roses and was being really sweet....well the next day we talked on the phone for hours and were just talking about stuff.....well that night we rented a hotel room and we were chilling in there drinking and shyt. well we didnt have sex but we slept in the same bed and cuddled all night.


well sunday he called me and wanted me to stay at his house so i did we ended up having sex that night. (it was great) then we fell asleep together and he held me all night.well we woke up and he took me to work and we were talking all day off and on. then on wed he called me and we were going to stay at his house again and we did we had sex all night and we had a good time. the next morning we got up and went to have breakfast and he paid for everything. by the way he call sme his PRINCESS and is always touching me in some way. well i went home and he called me a couple of hours later and he came over and we just hung out.


now this friday (yesterday) he calls me and tells me that his friend from out of town is going to visit and they are going to go out together (which it is a she) but he was so worried that i was mad at him and kept asking me if i was which i wasnt. because he is not my man. well he called me last night i guess when she was around but really wasnt acting like anything was wrong and he told me that he would call me today so we could hang out i dont know what to do im going out tonight and i wanted to know if i should ignore him and act like nothing because he will be there or what do i do? why would he tell me about her if he was trying to play me he lives a hour away from me and i would have never found out that she was there so why would he tell me if he didnt like me in that way? please give me some good advice i really need help

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ok umm is he ur ex or what?? ... well you should act like nuttin happened if hes trying to play u then dont bring up wut u guys had u know.. and i dont know but i think he wanted to inform u about the other girl just in case you found out later and get mad and he wont have u there for him .. and you never know how you could have found out i mean its a small world..but is he your ex or sumthing or you guys jusy fuc# around?? cuz if he is ur ex he might still b atracted to you like b4 and like u like b4 mayb

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