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Is this worth persuing??

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I was doing some maintenance work in a community centre in another town yesterday when I got talking to one of the nice female workers.

We seemed to get on well and she volunteered to show me round all the things I was to fix....and said "you'll be here for quite a while then eh?" I just said something like "yeah, as long as it takes".

Every time she saw me we always said something to each other. She made me a cup of tea and started telling me about her work and family etc. (which sounded good!). She sat to my left hand side of the table and then put her legs up on her seat.


I told her I have my own house and she started asking me about it. I said I have everything apart from an iron. She replied "I'll iron for you!"

Later I was about to leave when I asked her if she had seen my jacket, she replied "you left it in the office (which is across the road), but its all locked up!"

.....I just looked at her in disbelief and jogged across the road only to find it wasn't locked at all....I looked back over to the centre and she was standing at the front door laughing her head off! I went back over (with my jacket) and said something like "hey! I crack the funnies around here!!". I really couldn't speak to her anymore as her boss was kicking about.


But when I went back today, her workmate told me to go into the staffroom as she was cleaning the fridge.....she told me it was ok and no-one else was in there, just to knock on the door and go in. But just then she came out of the staffroom and her boss arrived....... we couldn't talk today and I felt dissapointed as yesterday was so good.


Are these good signals (if any) is this worth persuing? and should I find an excuse to go back there soon?? I really like her.

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Sounds like good signals to me. Especially the ironing comment. I'd ask her out for something casual like lunch, and progress from there, depending on how the signals continue :)

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as long as were giving first date advice, do something different, something unique. something that will easily spark conversation ya know. personally i wouldnt do the food thing, youre just sitting there, with nothing but food and drink, try something like the zoo, or the park, or shopping. just my opinion,


gl ;)

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I'm woeking in her centre next week. I visited her in work to confirm the maintenance required. I was talking to her and her boss so it wasn't a good time to go for it, however her boss is on holiday next week (the girl was picking days when she was working!) so It will be me and her and possibly some other of her collegues, so its game on! I asked her to my Xmas show (I'm an ameature actor) and she said she would come but I haven't arranged it yet. I can't screw up!!

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